7. Kaito's Day Get's Worse

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1020 Words excluding the (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written February 2 2020
Posted March 19 2020

•~•..... No regrets!

Shinichi felt pity for his friend as they waited in the reception room of the animal clinic. Kaito's hackles were raised and his tail was swishing unhappily as he sat on the floor next to where the sleuth was seated. A nice indigo leash was attached to the wolf by a matching collar, the dog tag was a simple silver circle. Kaito had refused to wear the bone shaped tag that Shinichi had tried to get much to the sleuth's disappointment. The bone shaped one would have been adorable on Kaito.

"It'll be fine Kai" Shinichi offered, giving the wolf a gentle pat on the head. Kai was the name that they'd engraved onto the dog tag, along with the sleuth's contact information.

Kaito blew out an annoyed breath of air, unable to speak since they weren't alone. Shinichi wasn't the one on a leash and unable to speak! He could be as moody as he wanted! The sleuth rolled his eyes at the other's antics, he was used to Kaito acting over dramatic.

After around 10 more minutes, they were called over and brought into the examination room by a female vet "So Kai's here for a general checkup, a microchip, and his shots?" Dr. Shima confirmed, it was best to make sure that nothing had been missed.

Shinichi nodded, offering a smile as he motioned towards the glowering Kaito "Yes, he's recently come into my care and I'd like to make sure that he's healthy" It was the truth, he'd just left out a lot of the main details.

Dr. Shima smiled, glad that Shinichi was trying to be a responsible pet owner "Okay, does he need help up onto the examination table?" The sleuth glanced towards the wolf, raising a brow, Kaito let out a huff before elegantly jumping up onto the table.

Azure gleamed in amusement "Kai's well trained, he'll do what you ask if it's within reason"

Kaito just zoned out the process, not wanting to pay more attention than he had to as he was moved around and prodded by the vet. And to think that he'd thought people hospitals were bad! At least he could speak and tell the doctors his opinion. Eventually he was jolted out of his thoughts by the feeling of something being shoved up his butt. He let out a startled yelp and tried to get away, only to be restrained by the vet and someone else that he hadn't noticed enter the room. Kaito shot Shinichi a panicked look, only to feel betrayed by the fact that the sleuth seemed to be on the verge of laughing. How could Shinichi let him be assaulted like this?!

"His temperature is good" Dr. Shima stated before removing the thermometer, which was also an unpleasant feeling "He's good for his vaccinations and microchip"

A bead of sweat ran down Shinichi's neck at the glare Kaito was giving him. He just knew that the other would find some way to get his revenge, even though it wasn't his fault. He couldn't just tell them not to take Kaito's temperature, it was their job.

After the shots and microchip, Kaito was still glaring at him "Kudo-kun, would you like to book an appointment for Kai to get neutered?" Kaito's ear twitched as he put more heat into his glare.

The sleuth spluttered at the question "N-No thanks, Kai's fine as he is" Oh god, now the vets are going to look down on him for being a bad pet owner!

Dr. Shima pursed her lips in disappointment "Leaving your pet intact doesn't help them" She gave Kaito a soft pet "It just increases their risk for prostate cancer and may make Kai more likely to roam in search of a mate" Kaito gave a small growl, that last bit was too creepy to even think about. He wasn't into dogs, he preferred blue eyed murder magnets instead.

Shinichi winced, the vet would be completely correct, if Kaito had been an actual dog "I have reasons for not having Kai fixed" He avoided eye contact "And I'm not planning on telling you those reasons" He breathed.

The vet nodded "Very well..." The sleuth just knew he was being judged "You can pay for Kai's appointment at the front desk"

Kaito hopped down from the exam table, still fuming. He wasn't angry with the vet, not really. He was just angry at his situation. His pelt warmed at the thought of Shinichi watching him get something up the butt, even though it wasn't a sexual act. It was just one of those things you wouldn't want your crush to see.

Shinichi quickly paid the bill before leaving the building with Kaito "I'm so sorry Kaito" He apologized once they were safely out of earshot "I didn't really think about what going to the vet would entail"

The wolf snorted, not amused in the slightest "I saw you almost laugh" There were traces of a growl in his voice.

The sleuth winced, okay so he'd thought that Kaito's reaction had been funny "At least we don't have to go back anytime soon?" He offered.

Indigos narrowed "Let's just go back to your house" The day had been long and he still hadn't eaten "We'll go over a list of safe human foods that I can eat" He was not going to eat dog food, he'd already been humiliated enough as it is.

Shinichi winced, remembering his horrible attempt earlier in the day "That would be ideal" At least Kaito could speak and knew not to eat stupid things. A sudden scream caused them to pause.

Kaito just shook his head in exasperation before running after his friend. Thank god that his leash was one of those extendable ones and that Shinichi hadn't clicked it to stop it from extending.

When they arrived at the scene, Kaito opted to sit patiently on the sidelines as Shinichi began to talk to the witnesses. He wasn't needed at the moment. His stomach growled, hopefully Shinichi could solve the case quickly. He was really hungry. He should have asked to snack on a few carrots before leaving for the vet, ones that hadn't touched the meat of course.

Me: Yes same day vet appointments are possible, Berry has done it before with her one rat...

Of course a murder had to occur, Kaito's luck seems to be not working so it can't cancel out Shinichi's

This was amusing to write~

Hope you enjoyed~

Berry found an amazing fanfic comic~ it's so long >^< been reading it for hours and still not done

It's by S-Capee


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