14. Planning

808 58 11

1022 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written March 18 2020
Posted May 7 2020

By the time that Kaito heard the front door open, it had already reached around 9 at night. He softly padded from where he'd been laying on the couch to the door so that he could greet Shinichi.

Indigos darkened when he spotted the sleuth, azures were unfocused as Shinichi slowly removed his shoes, hands a bit shaky "What happened?" There were few things that truly got to his crush, and none of them were good. He looked the other over, he didn't seem hurt at least.

Shinichi blinked a few times, eyes clearing a bit at Kaito's words. He offered a small smile "Just the officers being a little more stupid than usual" He reached out to give Kaito a few scratches behind the ear "I'm fine"

"You're shaking" Kaito growled, tail swishing angrily "Why didn't you tell them to stop?" He should have gone with Shinichi today, then he could have snapped at all of the idiots who'd hurt Shinichi. Shinichi did so much for the police, he didn't deserve to be hurt by them!

The sleuth sighed, feeling tired "They don't mean any harm" Wasn't only natural that shinigami jokes would pop up considering his luck? He did run into a lot of death after all "And I've already told you" Tired azure met blazing indigo "I don't want to bring too much attention to myself if I can help it" He still felt eerie about being in the spotlight, even after all these years. Though he wasn't as bad as he'd been at the start. Seeing his own name in the paper didn't send a rush of fear through him anymore.

Indigos narrowed "At least get Takagi to try to get them to lay off" If only he could be in his human form. There hadn't been that many comments when he'd been with Shinichi, so his presence as either himself or a wolf must have made others wary.

Shinichi nodded "I guess I could try that" His shoulders slumped a bit "I'm going to turn in a little early tonight" He breathed before heading towards his room, he didn't want to deal with anything else tonight.

Kaito was silent as he watched the other leave, already busy with formulating a plan to help Shinichi. He inwardly grimaced, it was kinda risky, but it should at least get his point across. He quietly trotted over towards the room that he'd unofficially claimed months ago, nobody but him ever stayed in that specific room. He nudged the door closed with his shoulder before taking in a deep breath, releasing it slowly. He could do his, he knew he could.

Changing back into a human was both seamless and painless, though the magician couldn't help but stumble a bit after the change. It was weird being on two legs after walking around on four for so long. Warmth was already starting to overwhelm him as he hastily pulled out a change of clothes from the dresser and put it on since he hadn't redressed after Saguru had tricked him. Kaito then examined himself in the wall mirror, grimacing a bit at the red flush already creeping down his neck.

He bit his lip, jolting a bit when blood bubbled up. Shit, his teeth were sharper, wait, he didn't have human ears either. The tail wasn't as much of a problem as his lack of human ears. He hurriedly messed with his hair a bit until his canine ears were safely hidden away and his hair covered where his ears would normally be. His hair had grown surprisingly fast, though only on the top of his head. Kaito swayed a bit, catching himself on the wall, panting a bit as he gave himself a once over. He looked sick, but human. That would have to do. The magician allowed himself to slide to the ground before shifting back into a a wolf, he just laid there in a semi-daze for a good while. He needed to rest, why hadn't it been this bad when he'd been with Saguru?

Eventually, he regained enough strength to lift himself up to his paws. He staggered a bit before focusing on the mirror. He needed to make sure that what he did stuck through the change. He hesitated for a moment, before taking human form once more. The warmth hitting him like a punch to the gut, forcing him to his knees as he looked himself over. From what he saw before his vision blurred, he still looked mostly normal, excluding his teeth. He quickly shifted back moments before unconsciousness claimed him. The things he'd do for Shinichi...

Hours later, had the wolf regaining consciousness. Weary indigos glanced towards a clock, it was around 2 in the morning. God he felt horrible. While it was tempting to continue laying on the floor, Kaito managed to drag himself to his feet, wanting to go sleep with Shinichi. It was a struggle, but he did eventually manage to make his way to the other's room and slip into bed beside him. A soft and fuzzy warmth nestled in his chest when the sleeping sleuth unconsciously pulled him closer, nuzzling his face into Kaito's fur. Sleep came easily to the exhausted wolf.

Azure softened, a small blush tinting Shinichi's cheeks when he realized that he'd been using Kaito as a teddy bear. Why did Kaito have to keep sneaking into his bed? He ran his fingers through the other's fur, at least Kaito wasn't a human. A small smile tugged at his lips as he remembered the many times that he'd had to threaten Kaito to stay out of his room. He hadn't minded when Kaito had first started sneaking in because he'd known that the magician was just a clingy person. But after a few months it had started to make him feel awkward, mainly due to his own developing feelings for the other.

He kinda liked Kaito as a wolf, he didn't feel as awkward whenever he was physical with him. Probably because he wasn't into bestiality, at all, the very thought was creepy on all levels. Thus all touches were registered as innocent, and couldn't be misinterpreted.

Me: Kaito has a plan~ Hopefully it doesn't backfire~

Hope you enjoyed~ This was fun to write~

I'm used to hugging something when sleeping (due to cat) so my large stuffed tiger thats almost as big as me is slowly bleeding out because I'm too lazy to sew up the holes in the seams it has XD

... one day... probably not, it need over 3 years

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