43. Intuition? Maybe

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1023 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written December 22 2020
Posted January 14 2020

When they got back home, Shinichi sent Jodie a message containing everything known about the string of murders and the lack of identification for the victims. He made sure to note that there hadn't been any missing persons cases in Japan recently that were able to be connected to any of the murders either.

While there was a fair chance of them not showing up in the American system, they could always ask concerned family members for some DNA for comparison like they had here. Though even that would end up being a hassle in itself. After the sleuth finished double checking and sending the message, Kaito had ended up pulling him to their room for some sleep. Today had been busy and the two of them deserved some rest.

A few more weeks passed, filled with the ever constant murders that made up their lives and the continuation of bodies being dumped in the warehouse. No new information had been found despite everyone's combined efforts, the only gain had been a new total of 13 dead people and the confirmation that there were 3 main perpetrators. The body types had been constant during each dumping filmed on camera, though that didn't mean that it was impossible for there to be another person who was working behind the scenes. At the very least, the group couldn't be too large if the same 3 people were the ones dumping the bodies.

The FBI had actually become quite involved after gaining permission from the Japanese government after they'd learned that a fair amount of the bodies were biologically American or at least mixed.

"I bet there's going to be a body today" Kaito whined as he flopped onto the couch. He'd been staking out the warehouse in secret for the last few days, even going so far as to sleep up in the rafters. Unfortunately Shinichi had become worried and had forced him to return since staying in an abandoned warehouse wasn't good, even if Kaito could always turn into a wolf to keep warm "That's how things like this always work" If you keep watching something, the moment you look away, something happens.

Shinichi sighed, feeling a bit sympathetic for the other "Then there'll be another body, you can't just live there in wait" Besides, Kaito had been catching and eating the wildlife in the area since he'd ended up going through the food he'd packed sooner than the both of them had expected "You can go back tomorrow if you really feel like you have to" Kaito didn't look any less healthy than he had when he'd left so he wasn't too concerned about the magician's survival skills.

Indigos narrowed "There won't really be that much of a point since they've only dumped a body two days in a row once" He absentmindedly fiddled with the dart gun he'd been cleared to use. Sure he would have used it anyways, but it was nice to actually be given permission to use one instead of having to make up excuses "There will be a body today, so going tomorrow would be a waste of time"

Shinichi rolled his eyes, Kaito wasn't going to let up on this was he? "Fine, let's pack you some food and we can both go back there. If I bring food as well, you'll be able to stay there longer" Though he'd still probably run out sooner than they'd expect. Kaito had been eating crazy amounts of food lately, and he was kinda jealous that the other hadn't gained any weight.

The magician perked up "If we hurry, we might be able to catch them in the act" And this time they'd be prepared to take them down. He disappeared into the kitchen.

If nothing happened, today then he was going to tease Kaito when the other got back "If you say so"

"I know so" Kaito countered, tone serious as he exited the kitchen, two fully stuffed bags slung over his shoulders and another two in hand for the sleuth to carry "Something will happen today, and if we end up missing it, I'm staying there" He shot Shinichi a grin "You'll just bring me food once in a while" His schedule had been completely cleared since he'd done his last show for a while a week ago.

The police couldn't really stake the place out properly unless they wanted to risk having the dumping site changed, so the sneaky magician had taken the task up himself. The criminals were apparently confident about not leaving any evidence so they didn't seem to care that the police investigated the place quite often. So long as they left at the end of the day.

"I'd rather you not do that" Shinichi sighed in exasperation before pulling out his phone to call a taxi. He could easily tell that the other was being absolutely serious about staying there.

Kaito stuck his tongue out, knowing that Shinichi wasn't going to try and stop him despite his protests. The sleuth wanted the criminals caught just as much as he did, and unlike Kaito, he couldn't stop his job just for a stake out. There were too many killers that could get away if he tried since not many people were as skilled as he and Saguru were, and the blond couldn't be everywhere. The magician alone was capable enough to take down multiple people with the element of surprise and the right equipment at his disposal.

"We're going to have to exit the taxi a bit away from the place to stash the bags before you leave" Kaito stated after the other finished the phone call "We can't just carry bags into the warehouse so I'll store them somewhere safely for me to fetch whenever"

Shinichi raised a brow "I thought that you were certain that they'll be there today"

Kaito scoffed "I am, but they have their own cameras set up" Though it wasn't anything near as elaborate as his own setup "They may be easy for us to spot, but they're in places that have a lot of cover" It was fun getting around them, it almost reminded him of his days as Kid.

Me: So Kaito has been doing a stakeout~

Hope you enjoyed~

Gah during my normal dentist visit for cleaning and the x-rays showed my wisdom teeth coming in... I'm going to face something horrible...

Talking on the phone QAQ It's my weakness...

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