41. Worry, Happy, Love

329 21 10

1025 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written November 30 2020
Posted December 24 2020

NEXT UPDATE is on January 7 2020

Ran smiled at the news "It took you guys long enough, who confessed first?" The pairing had been a long time coming in her eyes, she was glad that they'd finally gotten together. Though it had been cute to see the two fumble around each other.

Shinichi felt his face heat up even more "I think it was me, I thought that Kaito wasn't awake and a lot had been going on" Kaito had been so stupid to put himself at risk like that.

Oh? She's actually been expecting it to have been Kaito. The magician always had been more outgoing than Shinichi after all "I want to hear the whole story" If even Shinichi had thought that it'd been a lot, then it had to be an interesting one.

"Okay" It would be stupid to keep what happened from Ran, she was his friend and would notice if things were off. So he told her everything.

Ran was silent as the sleuth finished telling her what had happened. The fact that werewolves exist was shocking, especially hearing it from Shinichi of all people "Shinichi" Her tone was soft "You have to take even better care of yourself than before" Kaito was bound to her friend "You get into all sorts of crazy things, but what will happen to Kaito if something happened to you?"

Azure darkened a bit as the sleuth registered her words "I don't know" Would Kaito be forced to spend the rest of his life in his wolf form? Or would he be forced to create a new bond? He'd have to check later "But I've already promised to be careful"

The woman nodded, eyes soft as a smile tugged at her lips "For Kaito and the baby right?"

"Yeah" He agreed "Even if Kaito does decide that he doesn't want it, I'll still try to be careful" Maybe it would ease the other's feelings enough to make him willing to actually have a family with him one day.

Ran tilted her head in thought "Shinichi..." She paused "Judging by the timeline you've given me, Kaito should have already told you what he wanted" If the magician was against keeping it, then wouldn't he have asked Shinichi for the vial as soon as he woke up?

The sleuth blinked, then frowned as he went over said timeline in his head "He's not the kind of person to forget something like that" His gut clenched, guilt gnawing at him since he himself had forgotten something so important. He probably wouldn't have even realized it if Ran hadn't pointed it out. He hoped that Kaito hadn't been too nervous to ask for it.

"Stop looking so worried" Ran offered a reassuring smile "There's still plenty of time, you don't need to go running off right now. Besides, he's busy right now with his planner"

Shinichi's face pinched with worry "You didn't see how upset and scared he looked, what if he's silently panicking"

Ran just rolled her eyes, unable to stop herself from smiling "Fine, you should go head home and wait for him" She didn't feel all that worried even though she considered the magician to be a friend.

"Thanks, have a good day Ran" Shinichi got up, collecting his shoes before hurrying out the door.

"Idiot" Ran laughed, shaking her head in exasperation.

Kaito didn't return home until it was dark out, it'd been more complicated to plan things this time around than he'd thought it'd be "I'm home" He called, removing his shoes.

"Kaito" Shinichi met him in the hallway.

Indigos narrowed in suspicion, the sleuth was fidgeting and just looking nervous "What happened?" The other's odd actions was worrying, Shinichi usually didn't do things without a reason.

"I visited Ran today, and realized that I forgot something really important" Shinichi admitted, he held out the vial that would negate the other's pregnancy. He had a sad look on his face "It's your body, and you have the right to make any decision you want involving it" The promised wait time had already passed, so Kaito could take the vial if he still wanted to.

"Shinichi" Kaito's heart melted at how good of a partner Shinichi was. He was keeping his promise, even though it looked like he really didn't want to. He took the vial in his hand, watching as the other's face twitched, body tensing. Shinichi was such a good person. He gently placed the vial on the end table near the front door where the spam mail was usually kept "I don't want to get rid of our children"

The sleuth sank to his knees, the tension he hadn't even noticed before leaving him. He just felt so relieved, Kaito's words suddenly registered in full. His head snapped up, azure wide "Children?" As in more than one?!

Kaito smiled, indigos soft as he sank down next to the sleuth, wrapping his arms around his next "I was recently informed that it would be very unlikely for me to be carrying a single child" He breathed, taking in Shinichi's coffee scent.

"I-" Shinichi spluttered, shocked. He pulled Kaito closer, trapping him in an even tighter hug "I'm so happy" Kaito was willing to have a family with him "I was so worried" He admitted, willing to share now that Kaito had made his decision. He hadn't been wanting to influence it.

"And yet you kept putting me and my feelings first" He had totally made the right choice, Shinichi would do his best to keep his promises, he could trust him to "Thank you" He was no longer terrified of the concept of having children, scared? Of course, but not terrified "It almost makes me feel bad that I was looking forward to you freaking out about forgetting" Kaito grinned.

Shinichi snorted "Of course you were" He was even more relieved that Ran had brought it up to him. At least that meant that Kaito's decision hadn't been sudden, that was another relief.

"We should get off the floor, I could do with some food" Kaito suggested, giving Shinichi's hand a squeeze. He'd eaten lunch, but it was still quite late, he was hungry.

"Want to order pizza again?" Shinichi inquired with a grin. It was too late to actually make anything anyways.

Me: So it's official~ They will have a family together~

Hope you enjoyed~

I messed up and had my heart break QAQ because of a game ending I was literally saying "no no no no no no" as it played out. It made me have tears eyes...

If you ever play Disgaea 1 DON'T continue a level if you accidentally kill a teammate... Restart the level.

Days ago I did that and just shrugged it off since no there were no perma deaths...

Because of that one little mistake... The game ending made me cry... Apparently there's multiple endings and that one mistake took away the perfect ending from me QAQ

At least my hard work will carry over to my next play through... over 70 hours wasn't wasted

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