53. Y'know... Chocolate Has Lots of Caffeine

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1017 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written March 24 2021
Posted April 15 2021

"Of course something like that would interest you" Saguru sighed as he approached his two friends. Gold eyed the both of them, taking in their appearances "It seems like you both have already started to look better than the last time we met" They both looked a bit healthier and less stressed. The blond had thought that he'd have to intervene, thankfully it seemed like they'd already started to work on it.

Kaito grinned, intentionally flashing his sharp canines "You know I'm all for taking part in ironic situations" So long as it wasn't at his own expense of course. He snatched a strawberry pastry from the blond's plate, tossing it into his mouth before it's owner could argue.

"And this is why I took more than what I was intending to eat..." Saguru had expected the action. While Kaito loved to be unpredictable... The magician was easily predictable when it came to some things. He motioned towards the second cup balanced on his plate.

"Thank you" Shinichi took the hint and accepted the coffee, it was just how he liked it "I really needed this" Especially after the awkward conversation that he'd overheard.

"Bleh" Kaito made a disgusted face as he eyed the evil beverage. He really didn't know how the sleuth could still taste things after drinking that poison "Coffee addict"

Saguru quirked a brow "You know, chocolate has a fair amount of caffeine..." He paused, smiling in a way that made Kaito feel uneasy "Especially with how much of it you eat" The blond poked Kaito's stomach, not wanting to voice the rest out loud.

Kaito blinked, frowning before a look of horror crossed over his face "No"

Shinichi snorted, almost choking on his coffee. The look on Kaito's face was priceless "That's right, I hadn't thought about that"

The magician shook his head "No" He was not going to give up chocolate.

"Just cut back to a safer amount" Saguru stated, knowing that cutting chocolate from Kaito's diet would just make everyone suffer "A bit a day should be fine... Just not the crazy amounts you typically eat" 20 chocolate bars was too much, even for someone who wasn't pregnant.

"White chocolate has no caffeine and you can eat a bit more if you stick to milk chocolate" The sleuth added in helpfully. The darker the chocolate, the more caffeine it would have. He was very glad that he wasn't the one who was pregnant... His coffee was what kept him running.

Kaito whined in distress, ears flattening against his head as his tail drooped "I need chocolate... It keeps me functional" The magician didn't know what would happen to him if the amount he ate dropped for a long time.

Shinichi rolled his eyes "You're being dramatic Kaito" He went on to continue but paused, suddenly realizing something "Wait" He eyed the other curiously "During the few times that you weren't hopped up on chocolate... You were very unpleasant to deal with" Though that may have been because those times were normally accompanied by stress and danger where both of their patience is thin. Kaito was almost always on chocolate.

Saguru grimaced, remembering a few of the unfortunate circumstances where he'd been around a chocolate deprived Kaito "It's for your health" He stated.

For his health, and the babies' health... The magician sighed, he couldn't risk damaging them like that, especially since the whole situation was already strange "I'll try..." He crossed his arms "I'll slowly lower the amount so that I don't go through caffeine withdrawal" It didn't happen when he'd first been stuck as a wolf, but he wasn't planning to spend the rest of the time as one.

"That sounds fair" Shinichi agreed, withdrawal was horrible. It was why he consumed coffee whenever he could. The headaches were horrible.

"I should have eaten more chocolate before..." Now he'd feel guilty if he stuffed himself unnecessarily with it.

The blond smiled offering a blueberry pastry "You can still eat lots of sweets" While they weren't his friend's favourite when compared to chocolate, Kaito still enjoyed non-chocolatey treats. The magician's sweet tooth never changed.

Kaito accepted the treat, taking it and nibbling slowly at it. He was mourning the soon to be lessened chocolate in his life "Thanks"

Azure softened "I'm sure that I'll be able to find some expensive imitation chocolate for you" The cheap stuff probably wouldn't hold up to Kaito's standards. It may just be chocolate, but he knew how much Kaito adored the stuff. He'd be upset if his coffee was taken away from him. The sleuth felt lucky that the change to Conan had somehow nullified his addiction to it... Until he was safe to get readdicted to the stuff that is. Ai had been very annoyed.

Saguru stifled a chuckle when both Kaito's ears and tail perked up a bit despite the lack of facial change on the other. It was nice that they gave Kaito's emotions away, it made things easier "You only have approximately 60% left to go" Almost halfway.

The magician continued to nibble on the pastry "I can't believe it..." In two weeks it would be approximately 50%... "Time is moving so fast" He wasn't even showing yet.

Shinichi smiled "I think there's been enough time for the subject to change, why don't you go talk to more people" Kaito was a people person and it would help distract him.

"Okay" Kaito smiled mischievously, indigos gleaming as he turned his attention towards Saguru "Behind you"

Alarmed, Saguru turned around, not knowing what to expect. Gold narrowed when he realized what the other had been talking about. He turned back towards the sleuth "Seriously? You let him display that?" The dick shaped decoration was something he'd thought Shinichi would throw out.

The sleuth offered a shrug "The thought of it made Kaito really happy so I let him" He liked it when Kaito was happy, the way the other's eyes gleamed made him happy.

"I see" Saguru glanced over towards where Kaito was mingling with both Takagi and Sato, doing small magic tricks for the two officers "I guess I can't complain about it too much then" He was just glad that they were doing better.

Me: Kaito's unhealthy chocolate consumption has turned out to be a problem... XP

Hope you enjoyed~

3• I changed the rating of my other mk\dc books to M... Except the Omega one XD

Usually Omega stuff is more likely to be rated M, because... Smut XD

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