20. Chapter 20

756 53 7

1017 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

~Yay 20k Words~

Written April 27 2020
Posted June 18 2020

!!!!!! Taking a week from posting this as a reward to myself for a year of perfect schedule !!!!!!

~~Next Update is on July 2 2020~~

Kaito grimaced as he held his arm protectively against his chest, shooting Ai a cautious look before turning towards Shinichi "And she used to do this to you weekly?" How had the sleuth managed to get by with how often and how much Ai had taken when the guy had been Conan? She took unreasonable amounts of blood.

Azure gleamed as Shinichi offered a shrug, not bothering to rub where Ai had pricked him "I grew used to it" And it wasn't like he'd had a choice. The antidote had been a finicky thing and had required lots of testing before it'd been deemed safe for him to take. He smirked "Being my proper age again was well worth getting my blood taken so often"

"So far from what I've seen, Kuroba has more wolfish traits than Kudo" Ai stated as she wrote down a few notes on a clipboard. She had a curious look for a split second before she masked it with a straight face and flipped the page "I'm going to need a few more samples from dog boy in a few days" She glanced at Shinichi "I don't need any more from you"

The magician's ears flattened as his tail swished in annoyance "Why am I still dog boy?!" His tone was a childish whine "Shinichi is a werewolf too" So why was he the only one called that? It wasn't fair.

Ai raised a brow "Kudo can't shift into a wolf like you can, and his teeth aren't changed like yours" It was odd, but trying to make complete sense of magic seemed more trouble than it was worth.

Kaito pouted, crossing his arms across his chest "Maybe it's because the one that bit me had been born a werewolf?"

"That could possibly explain it" Shinichi stated, it was a bit of a letdown that he couldn't shift like Kaito though. Tracking down murderers would have been made a lot more easy if he could track their scents.

A wicked gleam sparked in the scientist's eye "From what you guys said, Kuroba is lucky that you didn't shift in your sleep" Both males were silent for a few moments between realization hit them. Shinichi choked on his spit, looking disturbed while Kaito just looked horrified.

"I vote for a subject change" The magician looked a bit queasy. Ick, he didn't even want to think about that. Just, yuck. Why did Ai have to be so creepy?

Ai rolled her eyes "I don't need any more samples today so you guys can leave" She had a lot of tests to do, especially on Kaito's samples. Both males hurried out of the lab, neither one wanting to be around her when she was focused.

"Um..." Kaito blushed once they were back in the sleuth's house "So what do you want to do now?" They were too rushed to get to Ai once they'd woken up.

Shinichi blinked "I was thinking that you can settle things that may have gotten pushed off" Azure gleamed "You were stuck as a wolf for a good while" People were probably wondering where Kaito had gone.

Kaito grimaced, while he'd had no shows scheduled, he had missed a planned hangout with Aoko "I'd rather just hang around you to be honest" Aoko was going to kill him. He hadn't told her about how he'd been turned into a werewolf.

"No" The sleuth shook his head, already guessing what Kaito was thinking "Go visit Nakamori-chan" He bopped the magician on the head "Delaying it will only make it worse" An enraged Aoko wasn't one to be trifled with.

The magician's ears were plastered against his head, a small pout present on his lips "But I don't want to" His tail lowered "Ahoko is going to hit me again" Probably with a mop.

"You'll be fine" Shinichi smirked "Go deal with her, I'm going to go to the station"

Kaito huffed, but left the house all the same. Though instead of heading towards Aoko's house, he headed towards Saguru's. Saguru's house was a lot safer since the blond wasn't violent towards him.

Gold gleamed when Saguru caught sight of the magician slipping through his window "So you guys are finally together" He no longer had to watch the two idiots circle around each other.

A pink tint coated Kaito's cheeks "Yup, Shinichi and I are dating" God Saguru looked so smug, his fingers twitched. If only he'd stocked up on pranking materials before leaving Shinichi's house. Saguru always looked quite fetching with pink hair.

Saguru gave a small nod "Good" He took a sip of his tea, giving Kaito a side glance "What do you feel about having kids with him?" He knew that the magician adored kids.

"Whoa" Kaito spluttered, face red "We just started dating" It was too soon to adopt, way too soon.

The blond finished off his cup "I see..." Gold gleamed "On another topic, you two should talk to Koizumi-chan more about werewolves" He'd already done so, and it had been quite enlightening.

"Okay" Kaito was still giving Saguru a funny look "I turned Shinichi by accident but he's not as wolfish as me" He'd easily been able to pin down the other's new wolf ears and replace them with false human ears. Apparently Shinichi's ears were less sensitive than his own "So talking with her should help" Probably.

Gold widened, flitting over the other's form before settling on the empty cup "That would be a good idea if Shinichi's been turned as well" This would be interesting to say the least... He was tempted to go with them when they did go.

Indigo narrowed "What's with you? Saguru was acting odd "Do you know something that I don't?"

"You two should talk to Koizumi-chan" Saguru stated.

"Shinichi is at the station" Kaito tilted his head, putting his hands together "So can you come with me to Aoko's?" His childhood friend was less likely to blow up at him in the blond's presence.

Saguru rolled his eyes "Yes I'll protect you from Aoko-chan" He stood up from where he'd been seated in the living room "You've got to stop waiting to tell her important things" Kaito should have learned this by now.

Me: This was interesting to write~ Yay Saguru is back~

Hope you enjoyed~

Rabbits can't fart and will die if they become too gassy

Platypus can make both eggs and milk

Rats can tread water for three days straight and hold their breath for 3 mins

Cats are true carnivores and will die if you're one of those morons who abuse them with a vegan diet... Seriously, their body requires a certain enzyme found only in meat.

Were-Kaito (Shinkai/Kaishin)Where stories live. Discover now