38. Comfy, Soggy, Surprise

310 22 16

1015 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written November 5 2020
Posted December 2/3 2020

Not an extra update

This is Thursday's update, my iPhone 6, my first ever phone was murdered by newest/final update, always freezing for hours and resets aren't working

•3• Gonna get my google pixel4a tomorrow and will most likely forget/be unable to update this as soon as I wake up like I normally do. I don't know android so I'll take a long time learning it...

I'm obvious not frozen right now, but I don't doubt it's gonna happen again •^• I just don't know when

This hasn't been a nice week for me...

Sleeping in a den in the middle of the woods cuddled up to Kaito in his wolf form had actually been more pleasant than Saguru had thought it would be. The wolf's fur pressed against him had kept him quite warm despite the dampness in the air, it had rained, like he'd thought it would.

The blond stifled a yawn, not moving his head from where it was laying on Kaito's ribs as he pulled out his phone to check the time. It was 7:30, which was a lot later than he usually got up. He sent Shinichi a text to check in, just so he knew that they hadn't come across any murders or anything "Your fur makes up for how bony you are" Saguru breathed as he put away his phone, Kaito's breathing had given away the fact that he had already been awake.

Kaito huffed, tilting his head back to see the other "Good, I'm not supposed to be squishy, just furry" His right ear twitched when the rain picked up. Would he rather be a wolf with wet fur, or a person with wet clothes and no coat? He wasn't sure yet.

"Do you want to eat here, or have brunch indoors?" Saguru inquired, sitting up to peer out the den's entrance. The rain was coming down hard, it would be difficult to cook something, not impossible, just difficult.

The wolf yawned rolling to his feet to do a whole body stretch before shifting into his more human form "I'm fine with hitting a cafe if you are" Yesterday he hadn't felt comfortable in this form but today he felt fine. It was weird, but many things about his current situation could easily be called weird.

"Okay" Saguru dug into his bag and pulled out two thin coats "Thankfully we shouldn't get too cold if we stay relatively dry" The air was warm, but wet, very wet. It was nearing the end of September though, so that wasn't anything odd.

"Thanks" The magician flashed a grin, accepting the blue coat he'd been offered, putting it on, then flicking up the hood "You're always so prepared" It was great having such a reliable friend.

Saguru shrugged before putting on his own grey coat "I just looked at the weather forecast" It was a very easy thing to do, especially when most people had a phone.

The hike through the woods ended up being enjoyable despite the downpour with the only downside being that Kaito's shoes were not made to walk in puddles. His soggy socks and shoes were highly uncomfortable, making the magician envious of the other's choice in footwear. Saguru's shoes were waterproof.

"Finally" Kaito's tail wagged excitedly as they made it onto a main street "Let's try that cafe" He pointed towards the first cafe looking place that he saw, feeling hungry at the thought of food. Saguru nodded, and the two of them went inside.

Shinichi did his best to stifle a yawn as he leaned against the police car's passenger side window. It felt odd to be driven to a crime scene instead of already being there when said crime was discovered. At least it was nearly 11am, so he'd had plenty of time to properly wake up.

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