51. Some Decorating

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1015 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written March 6 2021
Posted April 1 2021

The few days leading up to the Halloween party had ended up being a mixture of nerve wracking and exciting in Shinichi's opinion. He'd tasked himself with running after Kaito as the magician ran all about the house, leaving festive decorations in his wake. Some of them were acceptable, even quite impressive like the eco-friendly luminescent streamers that Kaito had somehow concocted that made Shinichi scratch his head in confusion whenever he thought too hard about it. Apparently they'd dissolve into safe molecules when put in water, preventing some poor animal from dying from more plastic waste. True paper streamers couldn't glow, so Kaito had went a more fancy route.

Some decorations on the other hand had been immediately dismantled or disposed of once they'd been put out. The sticky glowing yet somehow biodegradable goo had been a firm 'no'. Something like that was just a recipe for disaster in Shinichi's opinion, especially if Kaito was in control of it. Kaito had whined, but not even his adorable puppy dog eyes had managed to sway the sleuth's opinion. Though it had been close when Kaito had animatedly explained all the cool web designs he could make.

Goo was just something that Shinichi did not have fond memories of, mainly because of Kaito. So there was no way in hell that he'd allow said culprit to spread sticky goo around their house. It somehow sounded worse than the slimy goo that he'd grown to hate.

In the end, Kaito had made due with some glowing string since piano wire had been quickly vetoed. Apparently Shinichi had been fine with him using it in his tricks, but leaving the stuff about and around was just no good. After taking note of the dark look in his partner's eyes, the magician had easily complied. The string would be fine if done right and wouldn't be a death trap for wild animals when disposed of like synthetic webs from stores would have been. After becoming a werewolf, he'd decided to become more aware of the effects some things could have on the environment. Spotting a bird strangled to death by said webs may have helped him with the decision though.

"Look at these!" Kaito beamed excitedly as he displayed the adorable little wooden bats that he'd lovingly carved and painted. They looked a bit awkward right now with their mid flight poses, but they'd look proper once he strung them up everywhere.

Shinichi smiled "They're too adorable for Halloween decorations Kaito" They didn't look threatening, at all.

Kaito nodded "Yeah, I thought that we should go for fun instead of scary this year" A scream would put the sleuth on edge, just from how they were usually accompanied by a body from the other's experience. Indigos softened as the bats were suddenly replaced by a very lifelike stuffed black cat "This year will be very relaxing and we can actually donate all the applicable decorations to charity as toys"

The sleuth took the offered stuffed cat and gave it a small squeeze, it felt nice and soft "Are you getting enough sleep?" Many of the decorations themselves seemed like they'd take hours to create. Shinichi eyed Kaito with concern "The time required to make everything isn't adding up"

"I'm sleeping just fine" Kaito smiled "I actually made a lot of these a while ago for some harmless pranks" He'd been planning to scatter them all around different parks and forests, spread out enough that it wouldn't look too suspicious.

Shinichi snorted at the answer, feeling relieved "Of course..." He placed the cat between the spaces of the railing "You probably have dozens of weirdly specific things laying around" He honestly wouldn't have put it past Kaito for it to actually be the truth. The magician was often weirdly prepared.

Indigos glimmered mischievously "You are absolutely correct" He snapped his fingers and a bunch of different realistic mushrooms suddenly appeared all over the room. Some of them were obviously of existing types while others we made up species that were expertly crafted well enough to somehow look like they fit in.

"..." The sleuth spotted one behind Kaito, he gave the other a pointed look "Seriously?" It was very dick shaped and he knew that it wasn't a coincidence. Especially when he saw a grin spread across Kaito's face.

Kaito giggled "Please let it stay, I want to see who's willing to comment on it" He really wanted it to be Hakuba, though Sonoko might say something if she spots it. The rich heiress could be bold like that.

Shinichi sighed, he felt like he was going to regret this for some reason. He just didn't know why though "Fine" He relented "It can stay" It at least looked mushroom enough to not warrant it being offensive unless one actually looked. Plausible deniability and all that.

"Great" The magician was very pleased that Shinichi had actually agreed "Now do you have any decoration ideas?" He inquired, not wanting to leave the other out if he did have any thoughts.

The sleuth thought for a moment "Well, what are we going to do about the food?" They couldn't possibly cook well enough to host a decent sized party, and ordering out seemed like cheating.

"Ah" Kaito grinned "Everyone is bringing some stuff, either package sealed or homemade" While only those trusted were coming, he'd made sure to tell them that it would just put Shinichi more at ease if it was done that way. It had been easy to convince everyone, nobody blamed the poor sleuth's paranoia levels.

"That's a relief" He wouldn't have to beg Ran to come over to help cook a bunch of food. Kaito was a decent cook when he did cook, but the magician wouldn't have been able to cook everything on his own on top of decorating everything "I wonder what everyone will bring"

"You'll find out soon enough" He'd let Shinichi wonder, it would be another layer to the distractions that he'd been making. He already knew what was coming since coordination seemed ideal to prevent too many people from making similar foods or treats. It would be boring otherwise.

Me: Kaito is being so thoughtful~ Trying to make things as stress free for Shinichi as he can~

Hope you enjoyed~

What browser do you prefer? I really liked Safari but I'm no longer on an iPhone so I can't use it QAQ...

However I have come to like the privacy browser called Brave... If I look something up, I don't suddenly get tons of ads related to that thing ^-^

So I deleted Google chrome from my google phone  XD

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