68. Names

265 10 20

1015 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written August 1 2021
Posted September 2 2021

I am fully vaccinated against Covid! So happy~ now if only the stupid virus would stop mutating

A few hours later had both Kaito and Shinichi remaining in the den while Saguru prepared some things. The blond had insisted that he would be fine on his own. Kaito was in his wolf form, and the pups were sleeping at his side "We haven't even talked about names..." Kaito breathed softly, both of their children were absolutely perfect and adorable.

"I'm not really good with things like that..." Shinichi replied, grimacing a bit. There was no way that their children would be named after something mystery related. Kaito would be sure to veto such ideas.

Kaito let out a soft hum "Maybe the girl could be called Yukina since it's snowing so much?" Sure her hair was quite dark, but it was also a pretty name. He just knew that she'd grow up to be amazing.

Azure lit up "So something that could describe the situation?" That would make it a lot easier to choose. Shinichi glanced at the den's entrance "Maybe Arashi for the boy?" It was somewhat of a snowstorm outside.

"Yukina and Arashi..." Kaito repeated the names softly "I really like them, I wouldn't have thought of them if the weather was any different" But he liked them, they seemed very fitting "I'm glad that they don't have any visible wolf ears or tails when human"

"Maybe it's because they're mostly human?" Shinichi mused, Azure soft as he turned his gaze towards the small pups.

"Probably" Kaito agreed softly "Now why do you smell so much like chocolate?"

Shinichi flushed "I panicked and got a lot of stuff because I didn't feel ready enough"

Kaito snickered, the thought was adorable "Like what?"

"Umm" Shinichi flustered "Milk and bottles, some cloths for you to sew into clothing, simple stuff"

The wolf's heart warmed at how thoughtful Shinichi was "I think I'll be fine feeding them like this..." He grimaced "Just not as a human, I don't think I could do that" If he had to yeah, but he'd very much rather not. It was too much for him.

"Well then we'll keep it around and donate whatever wasn't opened later" The powdered stuff shouldn't expire in less than three months.

Kaito nodded "I still can't get over how small they are... How did they make me so fat as a wolf?" He'd been very round, but now his form was that of a normal wolf.

"Fluid probably" It had taken a bit for them to clean the den of all the soiled dirt.

"Yuck" Kaito's ears flattened.

"Now that Yukina and Arashi are settled for now" A thrill of excitement rushed through Shinichi as he said their names "How are you physically?" Shinichi knew that it was supposed to be a very easy process since Kaito was an omega, but he still couldn't help but worry. Kaito's fur was now void of any blood, but a fair amount had dirtied it before they'd cleaned up.

"I'm pretty sure that I tore, but I was already healed before I was aware enough to even worry about it" Kaito admitted, his memory of the ordeal was fuzzy at best, but he remembered smelling blood. He gave their pup a soft nuzzle with his muzzle "I'm fine though, I just feel tired. Very tired" He wanted to just pass out and sleep. He couldn't though, he needed to watch their kids.

Shinichi nodded, feeling a little relieved "I'm glad... Though I thought there was supposed to be a placenta?" They'd only cleaned up dirt soiled from fluids.

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