13. Bath, Thoughts

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1014 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no do with zee owning of MK/DC~

Written March 5 2020
Posted April 30 2020

"Is this too hot?" Shinichi inquired as he let a spray of water hit Kaito. He wasn't sure if the other's sensitivity to warmth or cold had changed as well.

Kaito's ear twitched, indigos gleaming "No, it's fine" He glanced down at the bottom of the tub, inwardly grimacing at the brown tinge of the water. Yeah, he really needed a bath. His gaze travelled towards the sleuth, Shinichi hadn't changed into clothes that weren't considered around the house clothes. He'd let Shinichi lower his guard, then make him regret not changing. Sure he wasn't a real dog, but he was mischievous. Shinichi should have known better after all these years.

Shinichi nodded "Good" He hadn't wanted to either burn or freeze Kaito. He turned the spray fully onto the wolf, running his fingers through the fur to wet it faster. Azure gleaming as Kaito leaned into his touch "You smell like wet dog" He teased as he finished soaking the other.

The wolf snorted "At least it's a better smell than when you get caught up in cold cases for a week" He loved the sleuth, but even he wouldn't hug a Shinichi that hasn't showered for about a week. Unless the idiot had gotten kidnapped, which had happened numerous times in the past.

A dark blush coated over Shinichi's face as he did his best to push down his embarrassment, he didn't mean to get caught up in cold cases so easily. He just liked them since it signified a murder that he hadn't been around for, which meant that he wasn't a complete murder magnet "It's been weeks since I've done that" He got the dog shampoo, squirting it along Kaito's back before scrubbing at the fur. Indigos closed as he allowed himself to get lost in the massage, he'd always been a physical person, so this was heavenly.

The bath continued in silence, with Kaito enjoying the rubdown and Shinichi smiling a bit at how much the other was enjoying the bath. He was relieved that it didn't actually feel all that awkward bathing Kaito, it probably helped that the other was a wolf, and that he was already used to giving Kaito multiple scratches, pets, and rubdowns in the last week.

Indigos opened once Shinichi had finished rinsing out all of the shampoo. The sleuth paused, suddenly feeling wary of the mischievous gleam in the other's eyes. That look usually didn't mean anything good "Kai-ack!" He spluttered as the wolf suddenly shook out his fur, effectively soaking Shinichi.

Kaito snorted as he watched the sleuth wipe the water out of his face "Really now?" He hopped elegantly out of the tub "You should have known that this would happen" He snickered, shaking a bit more water out of his fur once he was beside the other.

"Jerk" Shinichi huffed, grimacing at his own wet clothes. It always felt kinda gross whenever he was in wet clothing.

"You love me" Kaito teased as he wiped his paws before leaving the bathroom, missing the scarlet blush that coated the sleuth's face.

Sometimes he really wished that he didn't. He covered his face with the towel under the guise of drying off, if only Kaito wasn't so damn lovable. His life would have been a lot simpler without the other, but at the same time it wouldn't have been as fun. He removed the towel from his face, gazing softly at the door Kaito had left through. He really hoped that Kaito could become human again soon.

The next day had Shinichi heading out early for another case, though this time Kaito had opted to stay back for the day. He loved the sleuth to bits, but there was only so much death that he could handle. Shinichi had understood, and had offered an understanding smile before heading out, after Kaito had forced him to eat breakfast of course.

The wolf gave a large yawn as he lazed about in Shinichi's backyard, he was bored, very bored. He'd go out again with Shinichi tomorrow. He'd gotten better and better with dealing with death since befriending the sleuth, but he knew that he'd eventually snap if he didn't give himself a break once in a while. It had unfortunately happened before, and Shinichi had been forced to comfort him when it should have been the other way around.

He didn't fault Shinichi, in truth he respected how strong his crush was for carrying on in his everyday life. Indigos dulled a bit as he rested his muzzle on his forepaws, he needed to improve his resilience to murder if he ever wanted to be Shinichi's partner. He was getting there, but had a long way to go if he could only really handle a bit more than a week of murders. He was strong, but Shinichi was a hell of a lot stronger than him.

His stomach growled a bit. Kaito's ears flattened a bit as he remembered that he'd forgotten to get the sleuth to leave food down within his reach. He was so used to heading out with Shinichi that he hadn't even thought about it, until now.

Hopping to his paws, Kaito glanced over towards the professor's house. Ai knew about him, and maybe the professor too. Maybe she'd pity him and give him some food to eat, if not he could just sit near Agasa and give the man puppy dog eyes until he inevitably gave in and fed him. He gave himself a bit of a shake to dislodge anything that could have gotten stuck in his coat before padding over towards Agasa's house.

Kaito eyed the door, gaze narrowed. Ai probably wouldn't like it if he scratched at the door or barked, that meant that he should use the doorbell. He stood up on his hind legs, pressing his muzzle against the button before sitting back down like a normal dog.

Ai gave him an unimpressed look when she opened the door "He forgot to feed you, didn't he?" She sighed as she stepped to the side to let him in.

Me: This was interesting to write~

Hope you enjoyed~

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