39. Animal Lover

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1013 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written November 12 2020
Posted December 10 2020

Kaito let out a pleased sigh as he settled on the ground nearby, he hadn't gone home after giving his statement, instead he opted to follow Shinichi around as a wolf. Said sleuth was currently talking to some suspects, so the wolf had made it his duty to distract the child of one of them, a 6 year old boy named Mahiro.

There'd been another murder, a woman, Jirou Kana,  had been found dead near a small apartment complex. From the blood splatter, it'd been obvious that she'd been killed there instead of dumped and the current two suspects were the only two that didn't have an alibi.

The wolf's ear twitched as he felt another yank on it, he was glad that the kid didn't have any pets. A normal dog might have already snapped at him in warning after all the fur yanking and ear pulling that he'd already been through. Actually, shouldn't he have let out a warning growl by now? Letting the boy get away with 'mistreating' him might make him think that he could treat any animal like that. Kaito inwardly grimaced, that could be dangerous depending on the animal's temperament.

Mahiro jolted, brown eyes blown wide at the small rumble that came from the dog "Mommy!" He scrambled away from the mean dog, eyes teary as he ran towards his mother, hiding behind her.

"Mahiro?!" Mitsuta Mina, Mahiro's mother exclaimed, startled.

"That mean dog attacked me" Mahiro sniffed.

Shinichi paused his questioning, turning towards the boy with a raised brow "If Kai actually attacked you, you'd be dead" He scolded "All he did was give a warning growl to stop you from treating him like a toy"

Kyoumi Yamidu, the man Shinichi had been questioning nodded in agreement, crossing his arms against his chest "Accusations like that get animals killed boy, a neighbour framed my dog a few years back. Got put down since it jumped at her and gave a warning snap. The fool had been trespassing to steal my tomatoes" Shinichi's eyes glinted at the new information.

Mina frowned, hugging her son "Don't say such horrible things around Mahiro" She ruffled his hair "It's bad enough that he saw a dead body today"

Maybe he should have just put up with it, Kaito's tail swished curiously. He'd ended up causing a distraction, and he hadn't even mean to for once.

"Takagi-keiji, can you keep an eye on everyone? I need to make some calls" Shinichi didn't wait for a reply before heading to another room.

About 20 minutes later, the suspects were starting to get annoyed "How long are we going to have to just stand here?" Yamidu sighed, running a hand through his hair "I have places that I need to be today"

"I'm sorry Kyoumi-san" Shinichi apologized as he hurried back into the room, expression dark "But you don't have to worry, I know who the killer is" Azure narrowed "Everyone in the apartment knows that Jirou-san hated animals" He paused "What you said earlier was interesting, so I checked up on a few things"

Yamidu scowled "Why would what I said matter? It wasn't a lie"

Shinichi nodded "You're right, it wasn't" He noted that Kaito had come closer, ears perked up in curiosity "But the two of you used to be neighbours, in the US, she was the one who got Pochi killed" The man took a step back at hearing his departed dog's name "She moved, and you followed her all the way to Japan" What were the odds of that being a coincidence? "Did you wait a few years before acting so that you could get away with it? So that no motive could be found?" He tilted his head "Hadn't Pochi been a kind dog, one that loved people so long as they weren't trespassing? He didn't actually hurt her did he?" The man silently shook his head, gaze downcast "He didn't want her hurt, so why would you kill her?" He was playing on the man's emotions.

"He didn't know that she was going to get him killed!" The hole left by Pochi in his heart felt more raw than it had in years "Jirou-san lied and said that he attacked! That she was lucky to run away fast enough to escape without any injury!" He sunk down to his knees, hands laying flat on them "All because she was angry that I wouldn't give her any of my tomatoes" He fucking hated tomatoes, if only he'd never started to grow them "People like her shouldn't live" Disgustingly selfish.

The sleuth's gaze was soft as he knelt down in front of Yamidu "What Jirou-san did was wrong, I'm sorry that you had to go through that" He could understand the man's pain, many people considered pets to be family "But that didn't give you the right to murder her"

"I don't regret it" Something soft and furry nudged against his arm, making Yamidu raise his gaze. It was Kai, the huge dog that had accompanied the detective. Pochi had also had brown fur.

Kaito's heart hurt as the man grabbed onto him, burying his face into his fur, sobbing. He hated cases like this, the ones where he truly felt for the criminal. He was grateful for his furry form, Yamidu wasn't really a bad person, he was just a man who was hurting and had made horrible decisions because of it.

"Mommy, I don't want to die" Mahiro was trembling, clutching onto his mother.

"Mahiro, you're not going to die" Mina assured, wiping away the boy's tears.

"But I accused the dog of hurting me, now it's going to die, then I'm going to be killed too" It had happened to that woman.

"Don't worry Mahiro-kun" The sleuth offered the boy a small smile "Kai won't get hurt and I would never kill you" His gaze flickered towards the wolf then back to the boy "Though I guess that you now know to respect animals?"

Mahiro nodded, eyes wide "Yes" He'd play nicer with animals, what if Kai had actually attacked instead of warning him with a simple growl?

Me: People can go kinda crazy when it comes to their pets~

Hope you enjoyed~

*sigh* My package's delivery was falsified because I was checking every 10 mins and heard no knock... And I was basically beside it and heard no package drop *Thump* Yet there was a pic of my door emailed to me... At least amazon is refunding it...

Things can be left for hours in my apartment, so the odds of it being stolen in the 5 mins it takes to email me? Ha... •^•

But now I have to wait longer for my phone case, I refuse to properly use a new phone without a case... •^• Bad luck continues

And I'm not risking my phone...

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