12. Dirty

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1013 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

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Written February 26 2020
Posted April 23 2020

Shinichi raised a brow at the wolf padding along beside him as they left the crime scene "I can't believe you actually put a stick in your mouth" Who knew what kind of germs had been on the stick.

Kaito's left ear twitched a bit at the comment, his pelt warming in embarrassment. He'd actually had a lot of fun playing fetch, and had kind of been acting on instinct "Refusing would have upset her" He hated it when kids cried, even more so if it was because of him. He referred to bring out smiles over tears.

The sleuth nodded "Makes sense" Azure gleamed "It was also really adorable" He praised "You make a good dog" If he hadn't known any better, he would have truly thought that Kaito had been a dog with how he'd been playing with the girl.

A small whine escaped the wolf, his ears flattening in distress "Please don't say that" He didn't want Shinichi to start viewing him as a dog. His tail swished uneasily.

Shinichi slowed his pace to a stop, brows knitting in concern as he observed Kaito. He cast a cautious glance around before slipping into an alleyway "What's wrong?" He inquired, crouching down to Kaito's eye level. He'd been around the other long enough to understand him, to a certain extent.

Indigos lowered as Kaito sat down on his haunches, ears still slicked against his head "I've been feeling weird lately" He breathed "Not ill, but I've been acting more and more wolfish by accident" If he'd really been thinking back there, he would have stuck to licking the girl's hands, not her face as well.

Concern filled Shinichi's gaze "Have you been forgetting things? Like not how to act, but memories?" Kaito shook his head, his memory was still amazing. The sleuth let out a relieved breath "Then you were probably just following your wolf instincts, you are a wolf after all" Kaito was bound to pick up some wolfish habits "Wolves are good with their young, and you're good with children" A warm smile lingered on Shinichi's lips as he scratched between Kaito's ears "Your instincts just told you to comfort her, so you did. As a wolf though, not a human"

"It's weird" Kaito whined, leaning into the pleasurable touch. Shinichi knew just where to scratch him to make it feel good "But I guess it makes sense" He should have noticed sooner, after all, if he were human, he wouldn't be allowing Shinichi to pet his head. He couldn't help but feel glad that he wasn't turning into real wolf mentally as well, it was just him getting some instincts.

Shinichi nodded "I figured" He brought up his other hand to run along Kaito's spine, smirking when the other leaned further against him than before "I asked Akako about werewolves and she told me that you'll develop some wolfish instincts to help you survive in dangerous situations" Azure gleamed "Like apparently getting stuck in your wolf form"

Kaito let out a soft keen at the massage "Akako did say that the werewolf that bit me had been from a more medieval era, which means that there were more forests and physical fighting" Thinking like a wolf would have probably helped a lot of people cope with survival back then.

The sleuth stood up, making Kaito exude a whine of protest. He'd wanted the petting to continue a bit longer "We should head back before another case arrives" He let out a small laugh at how Kaito's tail was drooping in disappointment "I'll rub your belly there if you want"

Indigos lit up, belly rubs as a wolf were freaking amazing. He'd only realized it a few days ago when he'd been playing with a group of little kids, since then Shinichi occasionally gave him them. He totally understood why real dogs often tried to get people to rub their belly "Okay"

Shinichi rolled his eyes, amused that Kaito didn't even bother trying to hide how happy he was.

When they passed a pet store, the wolf paused "Hey Shinichi, can you buy me some of those dog boots?" He asked softly, glancing down at his paws. They were all muddy, with some grass between his claws from playing with the girl "I'd feel less dirty if I wasn't tracking dirt around the house"

The sleuth eyed him for a few moments in contemplation "I should probably give you a bath as well, before you start smelling" So far Kaito had been quite clean, but now looking at the wolf's coat, it was quite dirty from today. He was actually kinda reluctant to allow the other on the furniture right now. Floors were easier to clean than couches.

Kaito's pelt warmed, well he had been rolling around in the grass "It has been a week..." He agreed, surprisingly not feeling as embarrassed as he would have been a week ago.

"I'll ask the shopkeeper about what kind of dog shampoo I should get you" He glanced at the door, it said that pets were welcome "You coming in, or waiting out here?"

"I'll stay out here to save the employees some cleanup" Indigos gleamed as he glanced down at his paws.

"Okay" Shinichi looped his leash around a sign before heading in.

Kaito let out a yawn before curling up next to the sign, noting that it wasn't actually tethered. He could easily walk away if he wanted to, which was good since the sleuth was a trouble magnet.

Shinichi blinked in surprise, bag in hand as he approached Kaito. The wolf had actually fallen asleep in the short time that he'd been in the store. He quickly pulled out his phone to snap a few pics before waking him up "Okay, up" He gave Kaito a small nudge with his foot.

Indigos opened sleepily before Kaito stood up "The ground is surprisingly comfy as a wolf" He murmured in defence at the amusement in Shinichi's eyes. He hadn't expected to fall asleep outside, it was normally hard for him to fall asleep in unfamiliar places. Especially somewhere so open.

Me: So Kaito is going to get a bath

Hope you enjoyed~

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