35. Run, Talk, Woods

330 25 8

1016 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written October 10 2020
Posted November 5 2020

Kaito grinned, stepping back to admire his work. The dishwasher parts had arrived earlier that day, and he'd just finished building the thing. It looked nice and didn't stand out too much. Now all he had left to do was test it to make sure that it worked, though that was something that he was going to do later. The magician wanted to be around to stop it if it started to flood the kitchen.

With his main task for the day complete, Kaito shifted into a wolf before padding out the door. He felt like he had too much energy, like he needed to run. So he ran, pelting through the streets, enjoying the feeling of the wind tugging at his fur as he headed towards the forest. Logically he knew that he would have never made it so far on his own if he hadn't chosen to run as a wolf. It was convenient having a body built for long distances.

Hours passed by, unnoticed by the wolf as he raced through the woods. Agile and quick, making sure to avoid any areas that he scented people around. He wanted to run, not potentially give someone a heart attack. Unlike in the city, people's first thought would jump to wolf instead of dog if they came across him here. So he ran and ran, occasionally trotting whenever he needed to catch his breath.

Eventually Kaito paused at a stream, dipping his muzzle in to take in a few mouthfuls. The wolf licked his lips, refreshed after quenching his thirst. His ear twitched, angling towards an unexpected noise. The movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention, it was a rabbit. Indigos zeroed in on the rabbit.

"What are you doing here Koizumi-chan?" While Saguru didn't mind the witch, she usually showed up whenever things became odd. He'd been enjoying some nice tea.

Red gleamed, an amused smile tugging at Akako's lips "The shadows told me that the little wolf could use your company" At the other's worried look she smirked "There's no danger, but the little wolf would benefit from your presence"

The blond lowered his cup, setting it down "Why the shadows?" Usually it was Lucifer who she talked to.

The witch gave a small shrug "The matter isn't pressing enough to warrant Lucifer's attention"

So whatever was up with Kaito wasn't dangerous or bad "I might as well visit" He disliked it when he had to take a day off, and he also wanted to talk to his friend about some things. Gold eyed Akako "I take it Kaito's not at home" It wasn't a question.

"Kaito is in the woods" With that, the witch was gone.

Saguru frowned, the woods? He glanced at his pocket watch, it was already fairly late. He let out a sigh, sending Shinichi a text to prevent the sleuth from becoming concerned once his shift ended. Seeing Kaito's tracker location in the woods without warning wouldn't have been good for the murder magnet's heart.

Kaito's head perked up, a snapped branch had woken him up. He blinked, confused by his surroundings for a few moments before remembering. Another branch snapped, indigos narrowed as he hopped to his paws, fur bristling along his spine. When the figure came into view, Kaito tilted his head "Saguru?" His fur laid flat, the blond wasn't a threat.

"So there you are" Saguru breathed, setting down his bag as he sat down on a tree stump. He'd brought a bag since he'd doubted that they'd make it out of the woods before it got dark. He liked being prepared. He took note of the makeshift den the other was in, and the bones nearby "You do know that it's bad to leave food near your sleeping area right?"

The wolf ducked his head, staring down at his paws "I wasn't thinking" He hadn't meant to go after the rabbit, he just did. It had been surprisingly tasty. Now that Saguru had saw the bones, he was starting to feel a bit sick.

Saguru eyed the other curiously "Stop moping, it's all fine" He pinched his brow "Koizumi-chan and I have been horrible with communication" He should have helped explain some things better. Gold met indigo "I would like to apologize"

Kaito blinked, tilting his head "For what?" Saguru hadn't done anything wrong.

The blond shook his head "I made assumptions that turned out to be wrong" Gold softened "I had assumed that the two of you would copulate safely, therefore it didn't register to me that I should warn the two of you about the possible consequences" And thus his friend had gone into a panic that could have easily been avoided.

"Oh" He shuffled his paws "I'm fine now" His tail curled around him "I want the baby"

"I never really doubted that you wouldn't after calming down" Saguru offered a sad smile "But it still wasn't right" Kaito adored children, and he was fantastic at dealing with them.

Kaito was silent for a few moments "I guess" Saguru had a point "But I forgive you" His friend hadn't intended to trouble him, everyone made mistakes. Indigos softened "I think Shinichi forgot that the deadline we set is soon, he seemed confused when I told him that I was going to paint my old room"

Saguru let out a short laugh "He's always been bad with things like that" He then frowned "Is it safe for you to be around paint fumes?"

"I don't know..." Kaito frowned "I want to see his face when he realizes that he forgot the deadline"

"I'll help if you can't do it" They'd just do some research first. Saguru then eyed the den "I wish you could have chosen a closer place than this" They were in the middle of the woods.

Kaito tilted his head "Why?" It wasn't like he was going to come back here.

"You're instincts are going to become more wolfish the further along your pregnancy gets, you'll probably be drawn to this location" At Kaito's worried expression, Saguru offered a smile "It's fine, they'll fade after the baby is born"

"I killed and ate a rabbit without cooking it" The wolf deadpanned.

Me: So Kaito had a wolfy day~ And a talk was had~

Hope you enjoyed~

Do you like the sound of the wind when it whistles?

I like leaving my window open just a crack to let it whistle ^-^

It's a white noise that doubles as revenge since the person I live with hates the noise~

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