23. Panic

687 43 26

1033 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written June 3 2020
Posted July 16 2020

Kaito peered warily at Akako's creepy house, the atmosphere around it was definitely fitting for a witch "Maybe we should have invited Akako over instead of visiting" He sighed "I forgot about the fact that we'd be entering her territory" He shivered "Who knows how many creepy artefacts are within her reach here"

Shinichi just rolled his eyes before knocking on the door, all three males shared a look when it just swung open by itself "At least she's expecting us" He gave Kaito a nudge before entering the house. Kaito grimaced, but quickly followed after, not wanting the sleuth to enter all alone.

"Indeed" Saguru breathed, following the two. He's only really been at the witch's house once in the past. He eyed his surroundings cautiously, it hadn't been a pleasant visit.

"So you've finally fixed your wolf problem" Akako's red gaze was glimmering with something, maybe mischief? Kaito wasn't sure, but the way her gaze raked across his whole body sent a shiver down his spine "How are you feeling Kaito?" Her voice was almost like a purr, a very creepy purr.

The magician shifted a bit with unease "I feel fine" Why did people keep asking about him? He tilted his head "Though do you have a magic way for Shinichi and I to hide our ears and tail at least?" He motioned towards the sleuth "The guy is a magnet for trouble and is guaranteed to end up in the hospital sooner or later"

Saguru stifled a chuckle at how Shinichi sent a scowl Kaito's way.

Red gleamed "Why don't the three of you come to the seating area so that we can talk some more" With that, Akako led the three to a side room, it contained nothing but a few chairs and sofas. She rarely used the room except for talks, having decorations in it would just distract those with simple minds, or obnoxious curiosity.

"So is there a way to hide them?" Shinichi inquired once they were all sitting down. Akako was in a mahogany tinted recliner, him and Kaito were sharing a dark blue love seat, while Saguru was in a grey version of the witch's seat. Kaito's disguise skills were good, but the false ears probably wouldn't hold up well under a doctor's scrutiny.

Akako smiled "Don't worry Kudo-kun, your wolf features are temporary since you didn't bite Kaito back" She eyed the sleuth "They should fade after another day or two"

Kaito frowned, pink dusting his cheeks at the comment about biting "Why would a temporary change even happen then?"

"Well..." Red glinted "You were in heat" She ignored the magician's embarrassed splutters "So your partner needed to be the same as you for procreation"

All was silent for a few moments before Kaito made a dying noise in the back of his throat, indigos blown wide with panic "You're just messing with me" He cast Saguru a glance since the guy was bad at lying, but the other was avoiding his eyes.

The red witch shook her head, an amused smile tugging at her lips "I'm not, didn't I already tell you that you were an omega?" Her gaze moved from his eyes to his stomach "The chance that you're currently carrying right now are almost 100% since you two coupled during your heat"

Kaito paled, breath hitching. He could tell that the other wasn't lying, even though he wanted her to be. Kids? It was too soon, way too soon. Shinichi's reassuring hold on his shoulder allowed his breath to calm down a bit "We can't have a kid" He shook his head "We've barely even started dating"

Gold softened, he'd thought that Kaito's reaction would be funny, but instead he pitied the magician. He glanced at the sleuth to know that he had a dazed look on his face "It will be fine" He reassured "You two have basically been dating without kissing or copulation for years now"

Fearful indigos turned towards the sleuth "Shinichi" He choked "I'm not ready" Since they were both male, he'd always thought that there'd be many discussions before adoption. If he'd ever gotten the courage to confess that is. The thought of actually having a child had never once crossed his mind, for obvious reasons.

"I'm not either" Kaito's words had shaken him out of his daze as he pulled the magician into an embrace. The thought that he and Kaito could have a child together was thrilling, but also vaguely terrifying "I don't know if I can handle whatever menace is made from us"

Kaito stopped trembling, he let out a broken laugh, covering his face "We're doomed" He moaned. The two of them were bad on their own, but their personalities mixed? That would be terrifying.

"Dear lord..."Saguru breathed, eyes wide. He hadn't thought about that. He would... Need to prepare himself.

"And I'm going to get fat" Kaito whined, he didn't want to gain weight, he liked his figure how it was! He couldn't do all of his neat tricks if he couldn't bend like usual.

"Actually, no you won't" Akako smirked when Kaito's teary eyes turned towards her "Omegas were the homemakers, but that meant that they were left all alone while the alphas were out" It had been interesting to research "Their offspring were generally small and their stomachs were condensed to allow them to protect themselves and their unborn from intruders" Her smirk softened "At the very most you'll get a small baby bump that can be hidden by anything that isn't skintight"

Azure softened when he felt the magician sag against him from relief "So nothing will really change?"

"He may get emotional from hormones" Akako breathed, but his physical appearance shouldn't change much. She waved her hand at the magician "I cast a glamour over him so he looks normal to those who know that he's a werewolf"

"I'm so confused" Kaito's shoulders dropped, and scared. He bit his lip "Is there a way to stop it? I'm not ready yet and I'll probably be too freaked out to raise it" It shouldn't be anything more than a few cells right? It wasn't even sentient yet. He didn't want to have a child, only to mess them up from not being a proper parent. That would be cruel.

Me: Kaito is freaked out and panicking since he didn't know that he could have children with another male. He was just hit with the fact that he was most definitely with child when he'd thought that it was impossible.

Poor Kaito is confused and frazzled

Hope you enjoyed~

Above is Mizu in her flattened pose, it's cuter from the side but if I moved for better angle, she might have moved

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Above is Mizu in her flattened pose, it's cuter from the side but if I moved for better angle, she might have moved

Above is Mizu in her flattened pose, it's cuter from the side but if I moved for better angle, she might have moved

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Above is Shychi (Chi)... her name is because she's a timid thing but has cuddle potential >^<

Couldn't think of a name revolving around shy so used insult name from cardfight vanguard •~•

They still fit in the palm of my hand and haven't upgraded from macaroni box (new one every cage change since I eat it a lot)

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