Part - 19

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"jimin ssi?"

"yeah.. Its me" jimin extend his hand toward saerin for a shake.

"what a surprise! You are businessman? or you come here with someone?" saerin shake his hand and smile sweetly

"I'm a businessman.. pretty sure you heard about park company. I own that company". Jimin said showing his charming smile

"what.. you're an owner of famous park company! What a small world that we meet again like this! You look so different in our first meeting"

"i know. I'm normally like that i just has to wear this coats for business you know" jimin wink shrugging his coat which gives the glimp of his broad thick chest that can makes anyone swoon .

Saerin blush lightly and was about to say something when someone called her name from behind.

She turn around to look. Seeing Jungkook who's talking to some mens while his back face towards her. calling her name

They both turn toward each other and Jungkook ask

"Saerin I called your name 3 times already. Are you daydreaming or something?"

"No Mr. Jeon i was talking to--" she turn around to point toward jimin.. But there was no one at the place where jimin stand few minutes ago.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and look around to where jimin vanish.

"Saerin.. Who are you looking for?" Jungkook asked

She was about to answer when a women came and greet Jungkook.

"hey Jeon!" a girl in a beautiful pink gown came.

"hey jane" Jungkook expression turned to the most happiest one. Seeing the girl infront of him.

"what a pleasent surprise" she come forward and hug Jungkook

Jungkook hugged back and smile at her

"indeed.. Can't believe we meet again like this after years"

She brightly chuckle while putting her hand delicately over her mouth

"oh cmon Jungkook you almost vanish after college finish.. Its my luck that i got to meet you again here"

Saerin look at their happy faces who were so busy talking with each other like they know each other very well...

Saerin face harden seeing how they both carrying their conversations, almost forgetting her existence. But being her, she nudge Jungkook and whisper in his ear while fakely smile toward jane.

"who tf... I mean who is she?"

Jungkook's lip twitch to lil smirk and he replied in whisper

"she's my college friend"

Then the way saerin look at him can kill the whole world.

"you said you don't have any friends" she look at him in almost disbelief, raising her one eyebrow.

"but i didn't said people don't consider me as friend"

Jungkook turn toward jane and introduce saerin to her

"saerin this is Jane".. "and jane this is--"

Jungkook sentence got cut off by jane

"your assistant" jane laugh. And Saerin swear That was the most irritable laugh she ever heard.

"how do you know?" saerin ask through her fake smile.

"Well our Jungkookie having a girlfriend is impossible. He never brought a girl in a party before" jane replied giggling again like she's telling the most funniest joke.

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