part -77

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Nobody knew what happened to lil Jeon jungkook after that incident

That horrible birthday night was nothing less than a storm for jungkook close jungkook's eyes took him lil away from the scene

Holding tightly the lil boy's body in his embrace

He can feel the pain.. it is terrible for a lil child like this

That's when understand these all things are very wrong

A lil child happy family got snatched away from him

How cruel this thing is...

He wish he knew about this before..he could have found ways to stop this or help jungkook's father

But sadly mr.min didn't told about this before

He suddenly got a notice that he has to solve a case in Busan unaware about all these things

He wished he can turn back time and bring back this lil guy's family...

Wiping his own tear he glance at the baby in the arm

Who got fainted from the shock

His heart torn into many peices

Seeing how a 6 year got to witness this terrible thing infront of his eyes

He decided now he will save him no matter what ..he will protect this kid from Min's eyes

"Sir we have to close the case what should I write in the case??"

The officer approached

"Write all dead"

Said without turning his back

"Okay sir..."

"Sir who's this kid ?"

The officer asked

"My son! Now leave and do your work!" shout at him making scared as he walk away from there took jungkook to his doctor friend

"Is he ok??" asked

"Yeah he is fine just got a mental shock that's why he fainted" sigh as he glance at the poor lil kookie lying on bed

"I don't know what should I do" cried out first time he feel helpless

"What happened Kim you okay?"

"No ! I'm scared for this guy! I don't want to protect him and take him with me ..cause hes just like my son...and i want to treat him like a son give him a family"

But taking him to seoul is more dangerous for this kid..if by chance mr.min found out he's alive..he's the son of that journalist

He will killed him

Now what should I do..i can't take him with me nor i wanted to leave him here!!

"You can leave this kid at NGO"'s doctor friend said

"No!! Never...i don't want him to live like an orphan..he needs family love"

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