Part - 56

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"kids it's raining hard now let's go inside"

Jungkook take the kids inside. Searching for Saerin in the living room but finding no one around.

He told the kids to watch cartoons on TV as he walk inside to search for her.

Looking here and there. A worried expression form on his face, seeing no trace of Rin around the house. The only last place left is the kitchen as he walk toward there. He stumble into ahjumma.

"aishhh.. Walk properly child" ahjumma grumble seeing Jungkook's worried expression and his eyes roaming around searching for someone. She giggle as a teasing smirk form on her lips.

"uhhuuh.. You searching for your wife??"

She asked catching Jungkook's attention on her now. As he look at her about to ask her about Rin but she showed her palm to him

"don't worry.. She's here inside in the kitchen. Preparing something for her handsome husband"

Jungkook move his eyes away from ahjumma to the kitchen seeing scared Saerin jumping with a spatula in her hand which is in arm length point towards the frying steak in the pan.

Jungkook eyes widen as he dash toward Rin. And hold her from behind.

"what are you doing??"
Jungkook hold her arms from behind stopping her moves.

"why are you cooking??!"

Saerin glance up to Jungkook. Givin him a lil smile as she said

"I'm cooking for you.. Why did you came here?? It's supposed to be surprised for you"

Jungkook snatch the spatula from her hand and turn off the stove with one hand as his other hand is still holding Rin's arm.

"what are you doing Jungkook?!" she look at him bewildered while trying to take spatula back in her hand

"you aren't cooking. You can't cook so don't do this"

Jungkook said with strict voice

"how do you know i don't know cooking??"

Saerin got surprised as she doesn't remember telling jk that she can't cook.

Jungkook become speechless as he got caught. He doesn't know what to answer so with his straight emtionless face he changed the topic.

" ahjumma did you force my wife to cook??"

Jungkook look at the granny with slight angry expression.

"No kook!! No she doesn't!" Saerin quickly hold Jungkook's mascular arms to make him look at her.

"don't blame ahjumma. It was me who wanted to surprise you by making your favorite dishes. So i asked her to teach me"

Jungkook look down at her due to hieght difference.

"but you don't have to cook"

"but i want to" Saerin said looking deep in his eyes.

"uhmmm.. Love birds. This is my kitchen not your bedroom. But it's okay enjoy your moments. I will go"

Ahjumma wink at both of them and left before closing the door.

"now jungkook you should also go. And let me cook"

Saerin gently pushed jk toward the door but he stopped her.

"no i will stay here"

Jungkook refused as he stand in a side with his arms folded. With determined face

My Sweet Revenge JK ffWhere stories live. Discover now