part -79

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Jimin whole body shivered in fear when he saw who came inside his bedroom unexpected

Jungkook got confuse as he turn around..not knowing who this old man is

Jimin quickly push jungkook under the table before mr.park see him

Mr.park was talking in his phone so he didn't saw jungkook in room as his focus on talking

Hanging up the phone his face angered up seeing his son

Walking closer to him

(Triggering content ahead)

He roughly hold jimin's arm

And gave a tight slap

"These 2 weeks your grades came low!! Where the fxck was your focus you brat?!"

"A-appa..i-its hurts"

Jimin cried out as his father tighten his hold on jimin's arm

"Shut up!! Don't talk or i will cut your tongue!"

Holding jimin's mouth tightly giving jimin more pain

Jungkook witnessing all this under the bed he couldn't hold himself back he was about to come out but jimin signal him with his eyes to not

"You are such imbecile like your mother!!"

"If i find your grades low again i will make your life worst got it you bish!!"

Seeing all these jungkook had enough...he can't see his jimin hyung getting hurt..the burning anger inside him explode like a lava as he walk out from there taking a bat in his hide

And hitting mr.park on his head


jimin shout couldn't believed a 6 year old just knock out his father...well it's Jeon jungkook afterall...he can do anything

Jungkook himself was shock at first but he doesn't think much cause for him protecting his precious hyung is more important

"H-hyung you okay?"

Kookie asked throwing the bat down ..approaching jimin

"K-kookie..what u did!"

Jimin doesn't know how to react on this situation glancing at his father who's half concious lying on floor eyes clutch in pain..holding his head

"Run kookie!! Run kookie"

Jimin knows his father will soon get up not only will hit him but jungkook as well

And he can't see getting his kookie getting hurt .so he took jungkook's hand and ran from there

Unfortunately..jimin's mother went to paris suddenly last night for some emergency.. since mr.park was in buisness trip for one month ..he wasn't supposed to come early that's what she thought as she left thinking it will be safe

Running from there jimin he didn't forgot to took his spider man bag which his mom always arranged necessity things inside whenever they go on vacation

"Driver uncle appa ordered me to pick up my new teacher from station "

Jimin act normal infront of the driver in their parking lot and ordered the driver to drive

"Kookie shh"

Sweats form on Jimin's forehead as he whispered jungkook to be quiet

While jungkook was total clueless of what his jimin hyung doing but he trust his hyung so he sat still in car like an obedient maknae

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