Part - 51

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As they reach their hotel. Saerin stop Jungkook infront of their suite' door

"why what happened?" Jungkook asked as he look at her in confusion

"can you wait here for few min?"

"what do you mean Rin?" Jungkook frown at her, not understanding why the heck she wanted him to not enter their hotel suite room

"you will know just wait a lil minute here" she quickly took the key car and entered the door before locking it., not giving a chance for Jungkook to say

"aishhh" Jungkook got annoyed at her unusual behaviour.

"did she kick me out from my own room?!"

Jungkook glare at the door. As he pull out his phone to call the receptionist for another key card. But before he do that he got a call

"sajangnim as you said. That man just came and asked about you. But don't worry we didn't give any info to him"

"good and make sure to busy that guy and don't let him get any info about me and my wife"

Jungkook said as he hang up the phone and walk to the elevator


Taehyung hang up the phone as he walk out of the elevator to outside from jeon's building

"Tae I'm telling you this Jungkook guy is really fishy and strange"

Jackson said as he walk beside Taehyung who was in deep thoughts

"you're right jack.. How his own staff doesn't know about him where he is at. They either hiding from us or they genuinely not know.. But it's very strange that there's no much  info about him on Internet when he's the famous business man of the south korea"

Taehyung said as he lean on their car.

"that's why I'm telling you Tae. If we want to find saerin. We need to dig all information of that Jeon"

"hmm.. We need to dig into his past. I heard he's born in busan. So we can get his all past info from here. Let's start investigating about him"

Taehyung said as he sit inside the car

"but where we will start from?"

Jackson asked as he was ready drive the car

"from his childhood house. If he's born here then he definitely had his parent's house. Where we can know about his parents"

Taehyung said as he buckle up his seat belt.


Jungkook unbuckle his seat belt and step out from his car.

Instead of getting another room key now. He deicided to visit a place first... The place where he spend some years before he left to another country to become businessman

This place still hold alot of meaning to him. As he found good people here who actually took care of him after the horrible things he went through.

"Jungkook hyung!!"

A lil boy squealed as he saw Jungkook after so many years.

The boy literally jump on Jungkook as he welcome him inside

"ahjumma!! Look who came!" he hold Jungkook hands as he drag him to the orphanage house.

"why are you shouting kid" an old age ahjumma came as she wipe her glasses before wearing it and seeing the person she missed the most standing infront of her.

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