Part - 33

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It was another day, a hopeful morning for Saerin. After yesterday's event, she couldn't find time to talk to her dad. Now the first thing she will do is talk to her dad. In hope that everything will be okay. Afterall her dad never once deny her. He spoiled her till the point that whatever she just say or wish her dad would present it infront of her. That's how much her dad loves her.

Walking out from her room she walk downstairs to her dad's room, when she suddenly stumbled into a hard rigid body.

"good morning Rin.. I was just coming to your room" Taehyung said with the cheerful voice.

She twitch her lips upward, giving him small

"good Morning Tae"

"is everything okay Rin?? .. You look tense" Taehyung worriedly glance at her.

"yeah.. I'm fine" Saerin forced smile and change her expression to normal. She can't Talk to Taehyung first. It will be better if she talk to her dad first. Then dad can convince Taehyung later. Because she doesn't have guts to break her best friend's heart. She can't see him sad afterall of what he went through.

"okay so go get ready, we are going to our wedding shopping today" Taehyung exclaimed

"uhh.. Tae i have to talk something with Appa so i was going into his room right now"

"oh it's okay.. We can go later" Taehyung gave a small smile to rin and went to his room.

She walk toward her dad's office in the house knowing very well that he's working again. After she checked his room, and didn't find him there.

She knock twice on the door before walking in, finding her Dad sitting on the desk, busy with work files. And the unusual stress visible on his face.

Her Dad got startled hearing the footstep coming closer, he sigh in relief when he notice its her daughter.

He quickly close the files and gently smile toward her.

"What are you doing here princess??"

"Appa i wanna talk with you"

"I'm busy right now princess, we can talk later okay" Mr. Min softly told her and turn his head to the computer screen

"Appa its important" she says and walk closer to his desk.

Mr. Min quickly stood up from his chair and walk toward Saerin. Pulling her toward sofa gently and sat with her.

"okay tell me. What my princess want?"

"i don't want anything thing Appa.. I need answers.. Why did you announce my marriage infront of everyone without asking me?"

Her Dad sigh knowing already that she gonna asked him this and he's well prepared for it.

Her Appa's expression change to bright one and look teasingly at his daughter

"why didn't you like my surprise princess?? I already know about your proposal to tae yesterday the maid told me everything hmm.. My lil princess is in love cant believe it" He stroke her head

"that's why i thought i should give you both surprise. Afterall i can't wait to see you get married and it was Taehyung's Father's last wish and i promised him to fulfil it. And see the destiny you both already fell in love"

"Appa!" Saerin abruptly stood up, ruffling her hair in frustration. That proposal's misunderstanding is seriously torturing her right now.

"Appa it's not what you think!" she turn towards her Appa

"i love someone else.. It was all just a misunderstanding Appa"

Her Appa look at her in shocked, she quickly sit beside him and hold his hand

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