Part - 70

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Taehyung foot froze as his face become shock and his whole body turn to panic mode hearing the reason of the sudden situation that made his heartbeat race with fright expression form on his face he sprint inside fast while shouting in fear


The things he saw inside was horrible like a horrendous storm came and destroyed everything inside

All the furniture are brokenly lying all over the place, there are some shattered glass pieces on the floor where taehyung also found a .....


Taehyung quickly ran toward SaeRin's room only to find a room full of mess. As he walk forward to search Saerin with his heavy step on the broken glasses
Checking every area of the room including bathroom but unfortunately he didn't find a trace of Saerin

Her locket

The locket that tae gifted her, lying down brokenly with

Blood splashes on it

This was enough to say that Saerin is in danger. Taehyung's blood boil as he turn around fastly & ran outside

He grab the police officer's collar who was guarding Min's house as well as stopping the media

"Where the f*ck is Saerin?!"


"Saerin is in jail"

This words is enough to boil jungkook's blood. He shouted angrily through the phone

"How f*cking dare you suga!! I won't leave you!"

It was yoongi's plan. he spoofly called jungkook early in the morning to a random place saying he got a big surprise for him and if he didn't come he will reveal jungkook's real identity to Saerin. Jungkook doesn't want Saerin to know. Especially not this early so without thinking he left the house oblivious to what gonna happen next to Saerin

"Don't waste your time here Jeon ,First leave & see your beautiful wife. If you go any late I'm sure you won't recognise her face"

Suga let out an amusing laugh from the other side of phone .


the phone call got cut as jungkook threw his phone in anger . His neck vein popped out as he scream loudly

"One scratch on Saerin ,i swear i will vanish your whole existence from this earth"


"Destroy her whole body"

The police man smirk as he ordered his junior

"And i will handle this new girl"

"Sir but --"

"Shut the hell up!!"

The police man scream making everyone quiet

"Don't forget I'm the new chief of this station. Just because I got transferred here today you think u can disobey me?? i heard alot about your last chief what was his name.....
Hhmm ... Kim .... Something right?? Whatever"

He rolled his eyes and continue "he spoiled you guys alot now you will do what I say... I will change the whole system of this department now"

The ugly smirk playing on his disgusting lips which has a deep cut mark lasting on his side of cheek and small cross Mark on his under eye. Making him look more like a street thief than a police officer

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