Part - 24

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Saerin woke up early and quickly got ready to meet Jungkook in the hospital.

After wearing a casual dress, she took her purse since she decided to buy Jungkook flowers.

Her head was occupied witht the thought of what flowers Jungkook might like? and what flowers she should buy for Jungkook?

'Roses? Or Orchids?... I think roses are good.

But i can't give him red roses... Should i buy white, yellow or pink??'

She was too busy complementing over flowers while walking downstairs to the living room when she stumble to a heavy rock chest of someone.

But the person quickly put his hand on her waist pulling her toward him preventing her from falling.

She look upward to see and it was


She was surprised to see him at her house after so long since it's been a while they met each other, busy with their own life and schedules.. While she was busy with work and Jungkook that she never had a time to think about Taehyung knowing that he's a big chief officer and might be busy in his cases.

"Taehyung what a surprise? When you came?"

She greet him but tae was too busy dozing on her beauty from up close.

He was pretty much zone out when Saerin, snap her fingers infront of his face to bring him from his dream land.

"Taehyung?? tae tae?? kim Taehyung?!!"

Taehyung startled, he realized their position which makes his ears turn red so he quickly move away, removing his arm from her waist.

"you okay?" she ask

"yeah I'm fine" Taehyung put on smile on his face.

"it's been a long since we met. when did you came tho? I didn't notice you?" she give him a quick friendly hug and take him toward the living room's couch. While gesturing maids to bring a coffee for her and a strawberry milkshake for tae.

"i came last night but you were already sleeping so i went to my room" Taehyung said

Yes.. Taehyung has his own room here since childhood. Taehyung used to sleep over here often since his dad were also a police officer busy with his duty so he left him here many times. But now Taehyung hardly use that room after he got a job

"where are you going tho early in the morning?? Meeting with byeol?"

Taehyung asked rin, looking at her all dress up beautifully.

"No.. I-". Saerin hesitate, don't know what to say.. Her change of behavior made Taehyung suspiciously at her.

He raised his eyebrow and asked

"Rin.. Is everything okay?"

Saerin glance at Taehyung while her mind run fastly searching for words to answer tae.

She can't just say she started working secretly for months and didn't told tae once and also going to meet her own boss in hospital.. It will be so much to tell.

And knowing its not a right to reveal, afraid of Taehyung's reaction as well since he's also overprotective over her like her dad.

She sigh and about to make an excuse.

When her phone rang which was lying on the coffee table

And byeol number popped on her screen.

Saerin heave a sigh, mentally thanking god and byeol for calling her on right time. While tae look at the phone screen as well and pick up her phone passing to her hand

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