Part - 8

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Ahhh my whole body jerk forward because of the crash, i feel numb. My head hit the steering wheel with the sudden force from crash. but  thank goodness i wore the seatbelt or i would get badly injured. And the car safety airbag work magically at the right time. So i just felt light headed and can't move my muscle in shock over just what happened.

A man in black suit and black boots walk out from the black car. he turn around and walk closer to your car.

He open the driver side's car door where you are sitting.

You look up, seeing a man opening your car door. You blink multiple times, clearing the vision.

Only to see a very familiar person standing infront of you looking so handsomely at you.

"Mr. Jeon?!"  you mumbled in surprise.

"you okay?" Jungkook said with his sweet voice.

He held your arm and pull you outside of the car gently. He look around on your body, examine it to see any kind of injury.

Looking at his worried expression on his face made you almost melt there.

How can a rich young handsome man be this sweet and gentlemen.

You lost yourself while looking at his eyes.  your heart pump fast giving the weird feeling in your stomach.

Untill a snap of fingers braught you in reality.

"saerin ssi?" Jungkook asked holding both of your arms in his hands.

"oh yeah.. Thanks for help" you smile lil looking at him

"but are you okay Jungkook ssi?"  this time you look worriedly at him. And hurriedly roam your eyes on his body to see any injury.

"yes. I'm fine... But" jungkook look at his car and suddenly change his tone into cold

"not. My. Car" his eyes turn cold while looking at his car and back at you.

You got lil shock at his sudden change tone

"uhh.. i- i'm sorry... I"

Before you continue he interrupted you

"A sorry wont fix it miss saerin"

"what?!" you look at him confusingly, few seconds before he was such a gentleman now he's acting like a jerk.

"you heard me, miss saerin. And i don't like repeating myself" Jungkook said coldly while taking his phone out and calling someone.

"what i—" you look at him in disbelief. What he is he saying, you don't understand.

Jungkook cut the call and look at you with the same dark eyes. Stuffing his hands in his black trouser's pocket, giving intimidating vibes. He said

" you have to pay. This is my new car i just baught so you have to pay for it"

"okay. Fine tell me how much" you look furiously at him and took out your purse in anger, digging in the pocket taking out the money.

Jungkook scoff looking at you, making you look at his face

"do you think this whatever money in your pocket worth my car" Jungkook sarcastically let out a chuckle

You furrowed your eyebrows, looking confusedly yet furiously at him, too shock seeing his sudden change behaviour.

"you think i can't pay for it?! Tell me the price i will hand you the check now"

"yes you can't pay for it. Because it's aint your money. It's your dad's money.. Princess"

"so what huh? Whether it's mine or my dad's money . You will get whatever your compensation money"

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