Part - 37

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"what do you mean Jungkook?!" Saerin was shock hearing what the hell Jungkook is talking.

"listen Rin. I know it will be hard to believe so i will show you instead" Jungkook said and drove to the hospital

Entering the hospital Jungkook took Rin to stand infront of receptionist.

He turn toward Saerin and told her to ask the name of the doctor who treated her father to receptionist.

She frown at Jungkook but still turn around to ask the receptionist

"hello miss... Is Dr. Lee is available right now"

The receptionist look at her in confusion.

"sorry mam.. There's no Doctor name here as lee"

This sentence shocked Rin more.

"please check. You probably new. Dr. Lee treated my father week ago"

"No miss.. I work here for years and there's no doctor lee in this hospital... Wait!!"

The receptionist suddenly shout making saerin startled

"are you talking about that fake idiot! There was a guy who got caught today stealing other patients reports here!"

"what?!" Saerin look at her in disbelief.

"yes miss.. a man just got caught stealing reports of others patients and pretend to work here to give false reports in exchange of money"

"Let me show you miss". The receptionist turn her computer toward Saerin and played a cctv video where the fake doctor got caught stealing and got beaten up by security guards.

She look closely and to her shock it was the same doctor who treated her father!!

"what's this?!! How can this be possible" Saerin chest goes up and down as she breath hardly in panic.

"what can we say miss.. Big people give money to get fake reports and get diagnosed by this fake doctors for their own benefits.. What a world we live in" the receptionist dramatically sigh

Saerin took a step back, it was hard to consume all this sudden information.

Jungkook hold her and pull her to sit down.

"Rin are you okay??" he asked while rubbing her shoulder in worry.

While Saerin zone out and become froze thinking what the heck is happening?! No way her father fake his disease like this!! Why would he even do that in first place??...

And that's when it clicked on her head..

'to convince her for marriage'

She shook her head vigorously thinking
about this.

"No way! My father won't do this!"

"relax Rin" Jungkook said and in secs a doctor walk infront of her.

"hello.. I'm Dr. Hana" a female doctor extend her hand toward Saerin.

Saerin look upward toward her in confusion and stood up, standing infront of her.

"the receptionist informed me about you.. I'm the senior doctor here. I was the one who caught that fake doctor today. He's right now lock up in room as we are waiting for police to come. I'm sorry if you're a victim of him.. But as i remember he said he didn't treat any regular patients only those vips who gave him money"

The doctor said while raising her one eyebrow at Rin.

Jungkook stood up and glare at the doctor

"excuse me! Are you suspecting my wife?? She isn't involved in this. If she is, then why would she even come here!!" Jungkook death glare at the doctor while Saerin was shock to hear him call her as his wife! She hold Jungkook's arm to calm him down.

"I'm sorry doctor hana. But i don't know about that doctor being fake. I think it might be some misunderstanding" Saerin bow to the doctor and took Jungkook to leave the hospital but Jungkook stopped her.

"Rin.. I think you should talk to that fake doctor. He's here so before police come, go confront him" Jungkook said holding saerin's both shoulders

Saerin think for awhile and nod agreeing. She called that doctor hana who was walking inside.

"Dr.hana.. Can you please show me where that person is?" Saerin asked her.

The doctor hesitated first but then nod her head and told her to follow.

Entering the room. She saw that fake doctor was tied up in a chair. He look kinda of psycho type.

Saerin took slow steps in fear and gulped before speaking

"did Mr.Min offers you money in exchange of faking his disease??" she straight forwardly asked while crossing her finger in hope that he would deny. Cause she cant imagine her father might do this.

The fake doctor evilly laugh and look at her

"why would i tell you? What will you give me in return money or... " the guy smirked and stare at Rin with the dirty eyes and in secs he land on the floor with the strong punch from Jungkook

"you Bastard!!"

Jungkook kept hitting his head until saerin pull him away.

But Jungkook didn't move and hold his collar while glaring hard at him

"answer it before i killed you right here!!"

The dangerous look of jungkook scared that man. He whimper in pain

"H-he g-gave " the guy breath out before speaking again

"Mr. Min gave me 10k dollars to fake his report and told to reveal it infront of his daughter"

Saerin gasp while her eyes widen. She couldn't believe her father would literally do this!! How could he?! He faked a deadly disease just to convince me marry Taehyung!!

She needs to confront her father right now! She will asked him right away! The person she believes the most in the world, betray her like this!

And without any secs she ran away from there while crying.

While Jungkook hit that guy hardly making him faint this time and spit on him.

He glare at him and spoke

"Sis.. make sure he go to the real jail this time!!" Jungkook growl before kicking his body and turn around thanking his cousin and ran toward Rin.

Jimin enter the door and backhug his girlfriend

"is everything went according to the plan baby" he asked while she nod holding his hands that wrapped around her waist, while looking at the unconscious body of the man.

Jimin made her turn around and hold her face in his palms.

"what happened sweetheart??" he asked her bringing back her from her trance

"babe.. i think Jungkook is in love" she look at her boyfriend.


What do you guys think, Jungkook really in love?? 🤨

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