Part - 63

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After Several hours, Jackson went outside to buy medicine, Saerin took the opportunity and went inside to see Taehyung. While Jungkook went to canteen to bring her some food. He insisted her to come and eat in canteen but she strongly refused by saying

"I'm not gonna move from here. Until i meet Taehyung"

Entering inside the room. She saw Taehyung already woke up. His eyes were too focus on glancing on the wall like he's in too deep thinking

 His eyes were too focus on glancing on the wall like he's in too deep thinking

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"h-hey.. Tae"

Saerin hesitantly said grabbing Taehyung attention as she went near and sat on the nearest chair

"how are you feeling??"

"dead"  he said in a monotone without looking at her

"dead"  he said in a monotone without looking at her

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"don't say thing like that Tae!"

Saerin's eyes widen as she put her palm on his lips.

He jerk her hand and finally look at her

"why are you here? You should be with your husband"

Taehyung said in deep gruff voice while his eyes show no emotion

"Tae i care for you.. It was just—"

"those who cares makes efforts not excuses"

Taehyung said interrupting Saerin's words

"Tae I'm not making any excuses, i really didn't have a choice at that time. Please believe. I was also suffering over how to tell you. I don't want to hurt you"

Taehyung burst into fake laugh. Like she spoke some joke while he shake his head and look at her as if she said a really pathetic joke

"you don't want to hurt me?? That's really a nice joke Rin— nah Mrs. Saerin"

"Tae.. I know you are hurt right now. But trust me i never imagine that everything will happened like this"

Saerin try to hold his hand but he moved away

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