Part - 6

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Your eyebrow furrowed seeing the familiar person infront of your face who held you so tightly in his arms.

"Shhh.. Don't be scared" he whispered slowly with his deep husky voice. He slowly move his hand away from your mouth.

Your body froze before you slowly relaxed, identifying who he is.

"Mr. Jeon" you said putting your hands on his chest. Which making your heart beat increase its pace. Not with fear this time but with weird feeling that you don't understand as well.

You try to move away from him when
Suddenly a light struck outside. Signaling the heavy rain drops.

You quickly hug Jungkook, involuntary your body started to shake. You held Jungkook tightly as possible as can. while hiding your face on his chest.

"Hey it's okay.. I'm here.. Don't worry" Jungkook softly whispered in your ear. Grabbing your close to his. Moving his hand on your back and rubbing it gently to comfort you.

"I -I.. I ha-ve a.. Astraphobia" you stutter shakingly hearing the loud thunder and seeing the darkness.

You used to be a strong girl and you still are. But the past events in your life made your life miserable. It gaves you every type of fears that you don't understand why you have it in first place. Because you don't remember having any bad things in past. Your childhood went perfectly fine like any normal kid. But still You tried every thing.. All the medicines and all the therapy but no one understands the reason behind your phobias.

"shh. It's okay.. I'm here for you" Jungkook shush you and hum in your ear try to calm you down.

"let's get out from here.. okay" he softly mumble. And held your body close to him and walk out of the door.

You followed him with his body securely wrapped around you but you stop and hiss in pain. Making you realize that your cut become more painful that you couldn't walk further.

Jungkook look down following your gaze down on your feet.

And before saying anything he put his one arm around your legs and one around your waist. He lift you up and securely putting his arms around you, while helding in bridal style.

"Jungkook ssi" Your breath hitch with his sudden move. You wanna appose but you couldn't. Cause you feel secure in his arms. Looking at his face so closely.

You examine his features. His sharp jaws, his button nose, his cute luscious lips. that making you chuckle inside seeing a combo of very thin upper lip and thick lower lip. Making him look like a cute bunny and his beautiful brown eyes that are so busy watching the front pathway,

You were too busy at mesmerizing his face that you didn't realize that you arrived outside of the restaurant at the parking lot.

The rain is still pouring down heavily. Making Jungkook to sprint toward a black Mercedes.

He push open the car door and made you sat
On the passenger seat.

You try to say something to him but he closed the door and walk toward the driver seat and sat beside you.

"ah Jungkook ssi, thanks for your help but my driver is already here" you said and out your hands to open the door but Jungkook stop you.

"the rain is pouring so hard miss min saerin ssi. So I don't think your driver is here"

You were about to refuse. Looking at him disbelief because you know uncle jim won't leave even if earthquake will come.

Looking at your face. Jungkook nudge you to look outside. Making you realize that there's no one in the parking lot.

My Sweet Revenge JK ffWhere stories live. Discover now