Part - 44

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Hearing the birds chirping sound, with the beautiful sunshine rays of busan morning, piercing in from the window. Making Saerin squint her eyes as she blink few times to realize it's morning already.

While waiting for Jungkook last night she fall asleep on the bed in an uncomfortable position.

She stretch her hands beside her to expect Jungkook but she felt nothing. Turning around she look at the empty bed, empty room and empty bathroom.

She frown after closing the bathroom door.

"did Jungkook really was out all night?"

As the questions run in her mind, she felt angry, upset and disappointed. She never thought Jungkook would leave her on her first night like this when she leaved her family and friend for him. Came all the way to busan. Just for him. Just to be with him forever. But.. Here he already left her lonely on their first night.

Tears formed on her eyes as she harshly wipe it and walk toward her bedroom door.

As soon as she open it. Petals of red roses fall on her head. She look upward seeing a big basket tied up on ceiling which moved down by the rope attached to the door when she open the door. The basket turn down that let the beautiful floral petals fall on her.

A surprise expression form on her face. As she walk to the stairs.. Seeing a red rose with a note on every step of stairs.

Picking up one. She read

"I'm sorry" ❤️

Taking another step, she took another note

"i know its my fault"  🌹

"i shouldn't leave you last night" 🌹

"sorry 2.. For my bad behavior last night"  🌹

"i shouldn't shout on you like that"  🌹

"sorry 3...for ruining our wedding night"  🌹

"sorry 4.. For not being a good husband on our first day of marriage"  🌹

"sorry 5... For not complimenting you how gorgeous you look last night in that maroon gown"   🌹

"now please forgive me. Because i suck at pursuing people".  🌹

She smiled reading the weird smiley emoji he made and took all those rose flowers, holding it like a bouquet. As she smell them making her feel refresh.

She look around at the living room seeing it empty. No presence of Jungkook but a big pastel blue box lied on the coffee table.

She walk toward it. As she bend down seeing a big note. She took it before reading

"wear this and come outside.. My manager will be there waiting for you"

And as soon as she read this a knock heard on the front door as someone open. A man in proper suit bowed to her.

"i will wait for you outside Mam. Get ready.. Master is waiting for you"

He said and without for reply he walk away. She frown as she held the box, opening it to see a beautiful dress.

She took it and went to get ready. After she wore the dress she look at mirror. Surprise to see a note on it

"you look gorgeous"

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