Part - 48

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It's been few weeks since the accident of jimin..

Jungkook and Saerin were living normal life. As what Saerin thought. Since Jungkook treat her like a normal wife. Showing his love caring for her when he stayed at home and go to work like a normal husband do?

Not really.. Jungkook is busy finding that bastard who cause that accident. He already got the idea it might be Mr. Min's hidden partner. As his whole life research about min. Got him to know that min wasn't alone for doing all the sick crimes in this world. Jungkook always suspected that he had a partner which probably is hidden

Now sitting at his office building in busan. He started focusing on his revenge everyday.

He was waiting for Mr. Min to wake up and till then he will start his revenge on him. While focusing on searching for that hidden partner of his.

Jungkook sadly sigh as his eyes suddenly glance at the frame on desk. It was him and jimin.

He missed jimin everyday.. And that's what making him fuel to carry out his revenge.

But as his cold heart was burning for the revenge. His wife caring and sweet gestures, melting him like a smooth butter.

He should be rude to her. That's what his plan was. But whenever he see her smiling at Home waiting for his arrival. He couldn't hold himself to act cold toward her.

He's refusing to believe her sweet behaviour melting his cold heart. Rather he think, it's just a normal reaction for someone who's caring for you.

Whatever it is. He doesn't wanna focus one peny on that. As he reminded himself about his plan to carry out.

His thoughts got stop as he heard a knock on his door. And soon the arrival of someone made his cold expression to lil bit soft.

"hey kook.. I braught you lunch"

The daily routine of saerin to go bring lunch to Jungkook. Even tho he told her many times not to. She still bring it to him.

"I'm not hungry"

Jungkook said without glancing at her while he type on his computer.

Saerin roll her eyes at him. Getting used to this daily response of him. She put the food on the coffee table beside the side sofas. As she went toward Jungkook and practically drag him by helding his one arm securely in hers.

"i thought i married A big ceo of this country. But you are like a stubborn child"

Saerin pout at him. While forcing him to sit down.

"I'm not a kid"

Jungkook said with his cold voice.

"yeah true.. Your tantrum are worst than kids"

She laugh as she served him food. While he unknowingly admire her laugh.

"cmon eat.. Or should i feed you.. Kookie?"

Jungkook roll his eyes at the nickname as he focus on the food, taking first bite to eat but seeing someone intensively gazing at him. That his spoon stop in midway while he look at her with the face 'what'

" aren't you gonna ask me if i ate or not??"

She asked pouting while holding his hand and putting the food on her mouth, making him indirectly feed her and then she took away the spoon from his hand before he open his mouth to react she quickly push the spoon on his mouth. Making his cheeks become full with food..

"you looklike a bunny"

Saerin laugh at the full cheeks of Jungkook while he try to chew it with his angry glare.

My Sweet Revenge JK ffWhere stories live. Discover now