81 - (part 2)

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A big mansion with many rooms all are in pitch dark.. only few candles in hallway present to fight with the darkness

Silent mansion as the only one old man staying in his daughter's room..he can only heard the water droplets from a tap and cricket sound..after all it's 12 am in the night

But what this old man doing at this hour?

Especially in his daughter's room

Only that masked person know as he walk silently toward the room knowing very well he is there

Peaking from the window curtain

He saw Mr.min pushing Saerin's bed and removing the tiles from there

Taking the grape hoe and showel he started digging in fast space

A smirk form on the man's face as he queitly watch the old man working hard to find some treasure through the window

After few minutes mr.min sigh in relief and happiness as he saw the old big suitcase he putted here long ago

Taking out .he took out his key to open it

The suitcase has all the evidence against him which he couldn't destory it ..cause this evidence contain all the big mafias crimes and the corrupt politician

Mr.min thought If one day he get exposed he will exposed all the people

Now since he got the bail and there's no evidence left beside this he can easily remove his and exposed only those criminal people crimes

When he saved this evidence years ago he did it in intention that one day if this politicians betrayed him he will used this against them

But now he's doing this for his daughter Saerin

Saerin saved him but now is away from him..if he wants her forgiveness then he will exposed all the people crimes and repent this way

Maybe Saerin will forgive him if he try to correct his wrongdoings and bring justice to people by exposing these criminals that he saved

For him nothing matters now than his daughter

The only closed one,his own blood relative left in the whole world is her

As he smile thinking about his daughter while holding that briefcase

He heard a walking sound.

Sweat drip down from his forehead as he turn around toward the window seeing only the white curtain flowing by the chill airs

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Sweat drip down from his forehead as he turn around toward the window seeing only the white curtain flowing by the chill airs

His eyes then turn toward the closed door




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