Part - 46

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Taehyung look bewildered at the officers who stand infront of him.

"what did you just said?!"

"we are sorry sir but we have to arrest you. According to the law you killed two people today even tho it was accident but still we have to arrest you until the court hiring

Taehyung understand this as he knows they are just doing their duty. But he didn't kill anyone. So they can't just arrest him like that

"it was accident. You can't arrest me like that when I'm the incharge of this case! I have to investigate this case!"

"sorry sir but—"

Suddenly the commissioner of south korea entered Taehyung's cabin. Everyone stand in the line as they salute him

"chief officer kim Taehyung.. We know what an honest man you are. And whatever happened it wasn't your fault. But we have to follow the law"

He walk closer to Taehyung as he put his hand on Taehyung shoulder

"you're the only best, honest and hard working police officer i have seen in my whole career life. That's why.. I'm cancelling your arrest warrant.. But still i have to suspend you. Until the court hiring"

The commissioner gave him comforting smile before turning toward the officers Giving them signal.

All the officers nodded and walk away before giving the salute

"thank you sir. For coming all the way here just to help me"

Taehyung said

"No Taehyung.. I'm helping the society more. We deserve the hard working officers like you in this field"

"thanks sir but... I want to investigate this case. Please allow me"

The commissioner smile sweetly as he wink at Taehyung

"you don't need my permission. Since you're suspended.. Do whatever you want but-"

He bend forward toward tae before whispering

"-but at home"

Patting Taehyung's shoulder. He walk away before giving him smile.

Taehyung quickly took all the evidence and files. Gathering it as he stuff them in his bag before rushing out from there


Hana ran on the bridge as her tears continuesly falls down her cheeks. After waking up from unconsciously she wasted no time as she rush here with the assistant following her.

She stop at the seales area. As a tear down her eyes seeing some officers still searching her. Taking big steps she walk toward the railing.

"Miss you aren't allowed here"
One officer said to her.

But instead turning around she quickly clutch to the officer's arms, lookin at him in desperation

"please please tell me. Its not park jimin car. It was someone else right?? You mistaken him probably?? It's not the my jimin right?? Please tell me now!!"

She cried out

The officer look at her weirdly.
"miss.. It was the famous ceo park jimin. He got into accident while running away from police. We are still searching for his body. If you are his relatives then wait there"

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