part -81 (part 1)

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Getting back home immediately hugged his daughter

"My princess I'm soo happy to see you alive"

He cried out

"U don't know how i felt when i heard that news..i become so lifeless "

Saerin sigh as she gently push away her father breaking their hug


Saerin asked in monotone

"What why? My princess?"

Mr.min said showing his fake innocent eyes which has some tears.


Saerin finally yelled out...for the first time she ever raised her voice infront of her father

"What crimes?"

Mr.min try to act all innocent

"Appa not anymore..."

Saerin shake her head

"I'm not gonna believe your all fake lies anymore..

The facade world you created.. showing me how great of a officer you kind person you are..

Was all just a lie

You created the same facade world for eomma

And after her it was me"

A tear fall from her eyes as she try to control her emotions

"Why you did all that appa? Why?!"

She asked again

"Princess listen to's not true-"

Mr.min try to approach his daughter grabbing her arm but Saerin back away

Mr.min heart matter how bad person he is...he indeed loves his daughter and loved his wife.. that's why he never get married after loosing his wife..and he has the most precious gift of their love with him which is saerin..

But doesn't matter how good you are to your loved ones when you are criminal for the whole world

"We could have live happily without you doing all that?? Why you have to do all that crimes!!"

Mr.min has no answers.. tbh it become his habit..doing the crimes makes him feel thrill without thinking about others who feel pains

Others pains gives him long as its not his loved one

Which is saerin

Now he realised ..

but this realisation ain't worth it anymore cause its..too much late

"I'm sorry"

Mr.min bow his head down in shame

Saerin chuckle sarcastically with pain

"Your sorry ain't gonna bring back people who you killed"

"I used to consider you as my hero..the only person i trust so much and loved soo much after mom

But sadly you also killed my mom"

"I didn't sweety"

Mr.min shake his head refusing to take this blamet heck to believe it that it was his recklessness that killed his own wife

My Sweet Revenge JK ffWhere stories live. Discover now