Part - 50

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I completed half century 😂

Okay joke aside let's continue with the story


Looking at the street Jungkook saw, Taehyung's standing on the street as he just got out from his car and looking everywhere as he was holding something in his hand.

Before Taehyung's gaze land on them, Jungkook quickly push Rin on the wall, blocking her completely with his body. As his whole body hover on hers.

Before she react, Jungkook shut her up with a kiss.

Her eyes widen in shock with the unexpected kiss from Jungkook while her a blush creep on her cheeks.

Jungkook hand clutch on Saerin's waist as his other arm rest on the wall. While his eyes peaking at Taehyung through his long hairs

Taehyung gaze suddenly move on them as Jungkook fully hide her body and started kissing her passionately

"wooahhh damn!!! What a view"

Jackson said as he look at the couple making out infront of their own door.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at him.

"Stop staring at them like a weirdo. And see this address is right or not? "

Taehyung focus on the sheet given by busan officer which has a society address where saerin last has been seen.

"i felt like im watching a Hollywood movie right infront of my eyes"

Jackson said as he continued staring at the couple making out since its unusual for asian couple to publicly have a hot makeout session in an asian country so it felt like seeing a real life Hollywood movie without popcorn in his hands.

"jack shut up! And let's go from here" Taehyung look disgusted at Jackson who has his mouth wide open as a lil droll dripping on his mouth and.... his pant harden (⚠️below 18 peeps ignore the last line)

Taehyung practically drag him from there, pushing him inside the car as he started driving away from there.

Jungkook sigh in relief as he saw Taehyung drove away from there. He pulled away from the kiss.

Both of their lips become swollen with their face become tint red, as they let out long breath from the long makeout session

Saerin was a blushing mess, unable to consume that Jungkook just out of nowhere kiss her randomly with so much passion.

Realization struck to Jungkook over what he just did now as his gaze finally land saerin. His eyes widen in shock as a weird feeling surge inside his stomach.

Both become speechless while staring here and there instead of each other


He become speechless while staring at his partner in crime after so long.

"lee Dyno!"  Mr. Min slowly let out in shock seeing the most wanted mafia sitting beside him.

"shock to see me Min" Dyno smirked while putting his one leg on other, resting his back on the chair. And few bodyguards standing behind him

"H-how?" he asked in confusion since Dyno never ever showed his face to anyone. The whole south korean police is behind him but never once they saw his face. He's the hidden mafia that do south korea's most crimes without getting caught once. He's soo smart at being hidden, obviously especial thanks to Mr. Min who helped him all this years.

"well Min.. I can't see my partner lying here half dead. So i had to come hah" 

"it's been only few months but look where you got yourself.. Never expected this from you Min.. Tskkk now i have to come & clean the dirt around you afterall Dyno never forget his helper & his enemies"

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