Part - 20

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While talking to the guests, Jungkook call saerin name to introduce her to them but as soon as he turn around he saw no one beside him.

Which literally shock him. Excusing from those guests Jungkook walk around in search for saerin while calling her through the phone.

Constant bell ringing with her not picking up phone making Jungkook frustrated & worry. He look for the washroom thinking that she definitely went there. But his inner feeling telling him that something bad gonna happen.

The uneasiness feeling making Jungkook more worried that he rush to find the washroom while constantly calling her.

Not picking up her phone this time make Jungkook uneasy feeling more doubtful that something wrong is definitely happening.

His footstel suddenly stop and Cold sweat form on his forehead when he heard searin voice calling his name. From another turn aisle.

He ran toward there, finding the washroom door. He quickly open it to see no one.

He quickly search every corner of the washroom, checking every cubicle but to his disappointment there was no one.

He sigh rushing toward the door when he felt something under his black boot. Making his steps halt

He move his feet seeing saerin's phone.

Taking her phone in his hand.. Jungkook face turn to whole terror. Making his doubt more clear now.

His hearbeat quicken when he fastly ran out of the washroom to outside.

Leaving the event without anyone knowing. and rushing toward his car he called someone knowing very well who kidnap her.

But the person didn't pick up the phone making Jungkook hit the steering wheel in frustration.

"Where are you you saerin?!". Jungkook scream while driving furiously in search for her.


"where am i??". Saerin let out in fear tide up in a chair while a blindfold covering her eyes.

Sweats rolling down with tears on her face. While squirming in chair trying to free away from it.

Just then she heard footstep sound of someone walking closer to her.

A hand cover in leather gloves moves her hair strands away from her faces making saerin flinch with the touch

"don't touch me!" "who are you?!" she shout spitting on the person

The man let out a dark chuckle and clean himself with a white handkerchief.

"fiesty huh" a deep robotic voice said

Making saerin confused..

"who are you?!" "and what do you want from me!"

"sshh baby girl... you talk too much"
he put his finger which saerin bite making him hiss and was about to punch saerin

When his phone ring giving signal of someone's call, taking it out of his pocket to see who.. His lips soon curve into smirk seeing the name appearing on the screen .

"boss.. jeon Jungkook is outside" a bodyguard come rush inside the door, giving his boss the news of Jungkook arrival.

"as expected.. You come really fast jeon"

The boss turn around flipping his hairs back. He gesture his mens to let him inside with the usual smirk dancing on his lips.

Soon his mens bring Jungkook inside. Pushing Jungkook on the floor.

The boss covered in full black outfit leather jacket and black hoodie covering his face with black mask and black expensive goggle.

The boss effortlessly walk toward the back door with style, gesturing with his two fingers up signalling his mens

"kill both of them"

Hearing this saerin shout in fear.


She wriggle hard.. Shaking her head making her blindfold fall from her eyes.

She blink her eyes trying to see clearly.. only to see Jungkook on the floor

She shout his name again in panic


Jungkook growled and stood up from the floor when a men attack him from behind.

But Jungkook being fast, he kick the men so hard with his taekwondo skills.

All mens gather seeing this and try to hit Jungkook all together

Grabbing a stick with his leg Jungkook fight with everyone while walking toward saerin.

Grabbing a stick with his leg Jungkook fight with everyone while walking toward saerin

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Injuring all mens.. Jungkook rushed toward saerin to free her from chair. He removed all the ropes while comforting saerin.

Saerin jump in his arms, clutching his shirt in her fist while shivering under him.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around her. Calming her

"shush.. Saerin I'm here now.. Let's go from here quickly" Jungkook said holding her closer and taking her toward the exit door.

When a men from back door entered with a gun suddenly and took out a gun from his pocket.



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Two gunshots heard... Two body falls down..

Saerin body droping on the other side


Jungkook body fall down on the floor with a huge grunt left from his mouth in pain

And puddle of blood running out from his body.

Saerin eyes widden in horror seeing the scene infront of her. She scream Jungkook name



Surprise 2 updates!!..
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