Part - 17

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Few months later..

"I'm sorry. I couldn't save you but i promise to save your mother" Taehyung sat infront of the minho's grave

"that's why i sent her to Daegu. Don't worry she will be save there."

Taehyung put the flowers on minho's grave.
Before standing up. Dusting his pants. Glancing one last time with sadness in his eyes. He turn around to leave

Opening his car Taehyung turn his head one more time, eyes turning red in fury

"i will find the real murderer soon."


"I already found the real murderer" jason the top investigative officer of Thailand said

"you just suspect him, Jason.. You don't have proofs" the main head of investigative police department of Thailand said.

"sir. I almost completed my investigation. I just need few more strong proof against him" jason

"yeah that's why we can't issue an arrest warrant against him yet till we don't gather strong proofs to send him behind bars"

"i know sir. That's why I'm doing my best on this case."

"i know jason. but you have to complete your investigation very soon"

"yes sir i will not disappoint you" jason salute before walking out of the cabin


"Don't disappoint me Rin" byeol said tugging my sleeves

I roll my eyes at her

"cmon byeol. I really can't come to party" byeol try to pursue me again and again

"but why?" she asked

"because i never went to party before and you know that i don't go to parties" i said

"but you know this is such a big party"

I took my purse walk out of my room while byeol followed me from behind

"this is a high class standard party.. Many rich handsome dudes will come. Just imagine" byeol eyes shine while daydreaming about it

"still a NO" i chuckle at her and open the main to walk out but stop by

"cmon!! Can't you come for your bestest friend?" she cutely blink her eyes tries to pursue me again

"look byeol. I have work so please move" pushing her gently from aside i walk toward my car


Pushing the button of elevator of jeon building.

Leaning on the elevator wall, waiting for top floor to arrive.. I remember my first time arriving at this building. How nervous i was and how Jungkook was a total jerk.

I chuckle softly while those past memories passed on my mind.

How the total jerk who i cursed alot, is a softie from inside.. A kind hearted man who helped others and just act tought to scare people.

Smile slowly appeared on my face realizing how my and Jungkook's relationship changed so much in this few months. From strict angry boss & his secretary.. To.. A friendly boss & his only friend secretary.

He was tough coconut head to break. But when he open himself and showed his soft side. I can't help myself to admire him.

Now coming to work isn't a boring routine but a happy place where i find my new self.

My Sweet Revenge JK ffWhere stories live. Discover now