Part - 35

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Walking to Mr. Min's room, Saerin found Taehyung sleeping on a chair where he before sat at.

Her eyes become soft seeing him didn't move since she was gone, she walk closer to him and called out his name softly

"Taehyung" she put her hand on his head and lightly ruffle it to make him wake up

"oh you came back Rin" Taehyung said with his sleepy voice and nudge his eyes with his back of finger, making him look like a cute sleepy bear.

"you should go home now Taehyung, I will stay with Appa" she says when Taehyung stood up and hover her figure

"But--" before Taehyung said anything she put her finger on his lips, shutting him

"No but chief officer Kim.. Its now your time to have some rest. So listen to me just like i listen to you before! Got it" Saerin cute stern voice made Taehyung's lips curved upward in a smile

"Okay miss Min" Taehyung chuckle and was about to take step to leave but he halt his feet suddenly

"i will go after meeting with uncle Min— i mean Appa". Taehyung says as he flush remembering now Saerin father is his father in law

Saerin's heart drop seeing Taehyung's bright expression. Sighing she nodded and walk inside with Taehyung

"Appa" they both said at the same time, seeing Mr. Min lying down on the bed

"ohh my kids! Come here" he slightly raise his arms open for hug with a happy expression on his face seeing Saerin and taehyung together

Taehyung walk forward and gave a hug to Mr. Min while holding his hand

"how are you feeling now Appa??" Tae asked making Mr. Min grown in pain little before answering

"ahh just a lil bit better after seeing you both together" he weakly said making sure his voice laced with pure pain.

Saerin glance at her father and walk closer to him while swallowing the big gulp in her throat

"Appa -—" before she began, she was cut off by the sound of door opening

A doctor walk inside and stand on the other side of Mr. Min's bed, checking his pulse and open the file report that he braught with him.

He read the report and let out a sad sigh before closing it quickly

This tense both Taehyung and Saerin

"is everything okay doctor??" they both asked the same time with worried face

"i think we should talk outside" the doctor said that scared Saerin more thinking something bad is going to happened

But before the doctor walk out with Taehyung and Saerin following, Mr. Min stop the doctor

"Wait doctor.. You can say infront of me"

"i don't think you might be ready to listen this Mr. Min" the doctor said

"D-doctor! Is there something bad in report" Saerin got panic hearing this making Taehyung wrapped his one arm around on her shoulder to console her

Taehyung glance at the doctor while holding Saerin's shoulder with one hand and another hand hold both of her hands in his one palm while saerin look at the doctor with terrific expression

"you're right doctor, we should talk outside in your cabin"

"No Taehyung" Mr. Min stop them and continue while looking toward the doctor

"doctor i don't mind, i already expect worst so please say here whatever in the report" Mr. Min said with a weak smile

"actually you have very less time Mr.Min "

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