Part - 31

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"now i also wonder who was he?"

Mr. Min step forward toward Taehyung, looking at him in the eyes.. Showing nothing but fearless eyes.

Taehyung is definitely clever but Mr. Min didn't just got the highest position like that in snap. He worked for 30 years in this field.

So obviously he has more experience than Taehyung. But Taehyung is also genius. The position of chief officer at this young age isn't a piece cake for anyone. Taehyung work hard for it... His hard work, intelligence and honesty braught him the chief position at very young age.

"can i ask something Appa.. For what work you went there?"

Mr. Min scoff and let out a deep chuckle before raising his one eyebrow

"Are you doubting me son?" Mr. Min asked

"Not in my imagination i would ever doubt on you Appa.. I'm just asking.. In case you might help to find the real culprit"

Mr. Min smirk. Already expecting this answer from Taehyung.. He knows it wont be easy for him, to distract an intelligent person like Taehyung. But he definitely met smart people like this in his 30 years of work.. So he knows the way.

Everyone has weakness, that block their intelligent mind and explode the emotions for their weakness. Especially people who were in love. Love makes everyone blind. And for Mr. Min's luck, Taehyung's weakness is his daughter Saerin.

The best way to distract Taehyung and switch off his smart mind. Afterall love's power in heart take over the mind. And people start thinking from their heart.

Mr. Min without breaking the eye contact with Taehyung, took out his phone from his pocket and called someone, putting it on speaker.

"hello commissioner zeng"

"hey Min.. How are you?? Did you safely land in korea? I'm sure your daughter must be so happy to meet you after so long"

"Yeah she definitely is.. But more than her, i missed her alot"

"aww.. Sorry Min. Because of my work i made you stay in Thailand for so long.. But what can i do, The new NGO project law here needs your help.. Only you can do that perfectly. Just like you did in korea"

"you always compliments me alot" Mr. Min chuckle

"Well you deserve this. Infact you deserve medal for it. Not everyone can think for poor people and help them in this corrupt system."

"thanks but it's my responsibility" Mr. Min Grin but his grin turn into seriousness Looking Taehyung

"anyways... Can you help me in return?" Mr. Min asked

"Yeah tell me.. It will be an honour to help you"

"i just heard what happened to Chief officer jason. I don't know him but i feel, he was really a nice officer to fight against a big mafia there. So he deserve justice.. Can you please look closely on this case" Mr. Min pleaded

"Well that case is really complicated. But for you Min i will try my best to put an enquiry over it. Don't worry"

"Thanks.. But do it for that Good officer jason. He deserves justice. So make sure whoever behind this. Get an extreme punishment for killing an honest police officer"

"yeah sure. Don't worry about that. And now spend time with your daughter. Even after retirement you still work alot and care for the whole world"

"what can i say.. I'm like this since I born. Can't see injustice and crime in our beautiful world"

Mr. Min said and cut the call. And sweetly smile towards Taehyung, putting a hand on his shoulder

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