Part - 49

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It's the early morning time as saerin was packing for their trip to jeju Island in their busan house.

Jungkook walk in the bedroom while buttoning up his black button up shirt. As he saw Rin packing whole alot of clothes.

"Rin.. We aren't going to settle there forever"

Jungkook said looking weirdly at the two big suitcase with a medium size luggage bag.

"kook I'm taking essential things just in case we need something there. "

"you take that one bag only. And if you need anything there we will buy it. We aren't going to deserted island, Rin"

Jungkook said and he took out his black Louis Vuitton duffle bag as he packed his clothes.

"wait.. KOOK!" she look at him in shock while he zip his bag, ready to take it.

She open his bag only to see black black and black clothes.

She dig into his bag and started Throwing every black shirts and pants

"Rin what are you doing? I just packed it"

"kook you're not wearing all blacks and what's the use of taking so many black shirts when they are just same!"

"they're not same Rin" Jungkook said as he stop her.

She huffs her cheeks as she put her hands on waist

"okay tell me how??"

Jungkook showed her two black shirts that look exactly same but not to him

"see this is black and this is....umm.. Light black"  Jungkook said

Rin rolled her eyes at him.

"seriously kook! Light black?? How can a black be light!" she shake her heads while she took those shirts and pack only one.

"you even pack multiple black pants"

Continue throwing his clothes from it, her hands stop at a red clrful thing.

She took it out and her eyes widen seeing at it in pure shock

Jungkook quickly snatch it from her and hide behind him

While she laugh out loud

"atleast you had different colours"

"shut up Rin" Jungkook said as he hide his underwear in his bag

"you're such a coconut head" she laugh so hard while holding her stomach

"what the hell you mean!" Jungkook glare at her

"you wore all black from outside like a hard coconut and inside you wore iron man prints red underwears"

She giggle, while pressing her lips together, trying to control her laugh

Jungkook ignore while rolling his eyes at her and turn around to zip his bag, and walk away to the door.

"Wait wait"  she shout and suddenly back hug him

"are you mad?? I'm sorry" she pout while her arms fold around his waist, softly clutching him in embrace.

And that's when Jungkook felt his heart beat dancing in rhythm.

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