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Jungkook finally reach the place where yoongi abducted Saerin

It was old abandoned building slightly burn but not that much

He was about to enter when he saw soo many guards guarding the building

But he isn't afraid of anyone , the image of Saerin's vulnerable state fueled him inside much that he can kill million people for her

Loading his gun he started shooting everyone while walking toward them

Killing the 10 guards outside he was about entered the building when he felt a gun pointing on his head from behind

"Finally i found you Jeon jungkook"


"I found Jeon jungkook 's location already "

Taehyung try to convince Mr.min who jungkook let abondone on mid way

Taehyung was in his way and found Min's car in which min was shouting screaming while his hands and legs were tied up...

After freeing mr.min, taehyung was about to go after jungkook but the old man stopped him

"You're going taehyung "

"What you mean?? Look Uncle min you go home my one officer will drive u safely .i have to go search for Saerin!"

"You can't go!! Leaving me with a ....



"You fitted a bomb on Mr.min Seriously jungkook??"

Recognising his voice
Jungkook swiftly turn around twisting the arm of that person making him drop the gun and cry in pain before 30 officers gun point on his head

Jungkook roll his eyes as he grab the collar of Jackson putting a gun on his head

"Put your guns down or else i will kill your sweet Lil boss here"

"Ya ya ya ..... Guys put the guns down and you jeon i will kill u!! "

Jackson give him side eye glare

"You kidnapped Saerin and killing your own guards here"

Jungkook gave him a look that says "are you dumb?!"

"If i kidnapped Saerin why would I kill my own guards instead of you!"

"Yah!! You can't kill me Jeon!!"

Jackson shout at jungkook making him roll his eyes

"You only captured that words"

"Look Dumbo officer i didn't kidnapped Saerin infact i came to rescue her so if you guys can help, do it or else get out of my way!!"

Jungkook said roughly leaving Jackson from his grip as he was about to enter but again Jackson put his gun on his head making his 30 officers follow it behind

But behind those 30 followers there are 70 men's with gun pointing on them

While 3 buff black mens pointing guns on Jackson head making him drop his gun as his eyes widen in shock

"What the. F@£€¥ !!!"


"What the f*ck??"

"That's what you trying to say??"

Jungkook laugh lil before looking down on his phone and a grateful smile form on his lips seeing the message of a person who send him 73 mens on time!

My Sweet Revenge JK ffWhere stories live. Discover now