Part - 9

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"Saerin are you sure about this?" byul said sitting on your bed and munching some chips while looking at you who's busy roaming here & there in the bedroom to get ready for office

"we talk about this already and i decided this after we both find out all details about Mr. Jeon. He's the top famous business man in korea so i don't think there will be any problem" i said looking at the mirror,satisfied with my formal dress attire.

I turn around and look at byul

"and.. I actually wanted to work from the start you know that already.. Dad didn't let me work and i feel so bored doing nothing at home all day. so it's really a good opportunity that i can work now"

"yeah but you know your dad won't let you work because he wants to spoil his princess at home and not let her just go around being sweaty in all those files" she made Disgusted face making you chuckle at her reaction

"and sis you have got alot of money so why you need to work?" she asked again because i didn't tell her the main reason why I'm working at jeon company. Or else she will tell my dad then he will get angry, won't let me work and threw all the money in Jungkook's face. Making the situation more complicated so it's better i should keep quiet.

"i just want to... Having your own money by working hard is a good feeling. I don't like spending dad's money much so doing this job is killing two bird with one stone.. I'll get paid and i won't feel bore" i shrug and pick up my gucci bag and walk towards door before turning my head once more at byul winking at her

"Trust me it will be new adventure" i walk away closing the door

"yeah yeah!! Tell this to your dad when he asked you 'NeW AdvEntUre'" byul shout loudly in mocking way so i can hear it from outside.. She's really childish i shake my head and walk toward the car.

"Miss where should i drop you? " the new driver said outside at the parking lot seeing me all dress up. Since uncle jim got retired and went back to his family who lives in village. Even tho i miss him alot but i understand he was away from his family for so long and worked for us since i was a kid. So i treat him more like my uncle than just a driver.

"Miss?" the new driver interrupted bringing me back from my thoughts

"i.. Uh.. No need. I'll drive by my own. Thanks" i awkwardly smile at him and open the driver door.

"but miss?... Boss said to not Let you drive" he said

"don't worry, my dad isn't here. He's out of country right now so he will not know.. You go and have a day off. And don't tell this to anyone okay" i told him before sitting down in car and drive away


I park infront of the jeon building. Which is really huge. Making me gasp looking at how tall and beautiful this building is.

I walk inside the building.. Walking toward the reception to ask about the office but a guy in suit interrupted me.

"miss saerin ssi?"


"hello mam.. I was just waiting for you.. Come here this way" he point toward the elevator side

I followed him and he close the elevator door by pressing a button then he tap the top floor button. Making my eyes goes huge in shock. There was 101 floor! And it has some passwords in it. He type some password making the top floor button work.

"why are we going on top floor?" i asked

"Mr. Jeon sajangnim has private floor office at the top and he ask me to lead you there as soon as you arrive" he said in gentle tone

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