Part - 47

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After telling all the situation, starting from how Mr.park barge inside hana's cabin in hospital, blackmailing her to kill jimin. Keeping an eye on her by his goons.. To forcing her to murder Mr. Min.

While holding the knife with trembling hands she was about to stab it on Mr. Min.. But jimin came on right time.

Holding her hand and snatching the knife to his hand. When he heard the door open and heard Taehyung's footstep. He Make it looklike he was about to stab and held the doctor who was treating Mr. Min in captive is in his arms.

Taehyung sigh as he heard the full story of what actually happened there. He concluded that it was all Mr. Park's avenge to kill Mr. Min.

But still there's one question left unanswered...

Why Mr. Park wants to kill Mr. Min?

Taehyung turn his head towards hana as he asked her

"did Mr. Park told you why he wanted to kill Mr. Min?? Do you know what's their relationship was??"

Dr. Hana shake her head as she answered

"i don't know. He only told me to kill him. I asked him but he didn't told me. And i wasn't surprised as he was such a cruel person to exist. He always abused My boyfriend.. his own son!! He was never a good person"

Taehyung nod his head as he lightly tap her shoulder in comfort manner.
he took out his phone and called someone

"officer felix.. I will send you the details of Mr. Park's case. Find the evidence of it asap. And look through Mr. Park's background as well. And find out his relationship with Mr. Min"

Taehyung cut the call as he closed eyes with a heavy sigh..
'now this case is done. I hope park jimin get the justice and all charges on him removed.. Now i have to tighten security on Mr. Min and start searching for Saerin. God knows where she is and how she is'

Taehyung thought got interrupted as he heard a female scream!!


Her thoughts about Taehyung interrupted as she saw the news as soon as she land on korea.

She scream looking at the most unbelievable news on the TV at the airport cafe. Making people around her scared and look at her like she's some insane person.


She stood up as her mcburger falls down from her hands, seeing Taehyung and saerin news playing on the news.

"breaking news: another sad news for chief kim taehyung as he's not a chief anymore..
Getting suspended for killing two people who were criminals.
Netizens are suspecting the young popular chief kim got mentally disturb and not focusing on his job like he used to before. After his soon to be wife min saerin disappeared from their wedding.
Was it his wife impact that left the young chief insane?
Stay tune to know more about chief kim's sensational news on our channel "

" this can't be happened!! No way!! "
She dug her nails on her scalp as she refused to believe this news.

She greeted her teeths as pure hatred showed on her eyes.

"you can't do this to me.. MIN SAERIN!! i won't let you


" you can't do this to me Jungkook! "

Saerin look at in disbelief as Jungkook left her standing there alone at the alter.

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