Part - 15

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Waking early in the morning, you get ready to head to mr. Jeon house to wake him up.

Yeah to wake him up, make him get ready and basically be with him all day.. everyday wherever he goes.  *Sigh* you started the car engine and played Dynamite. To start your with no worries and hopping to not get any troubles.. yesterday was enough of problems.


Reaching to mr. Jeon's mansion which was quite beautiful with just all plain white walls.

Entering inside seeing the luxurious yet simple beautiful furnished living room. Which kinda actually defines Mr. Jeon's personality.

Mr. Jeon walk toward the black sofa before plopping on it. Losing his tie lightly with one hand. While leaning his head on the headrest. He look up at you who was still standing, busy admiring his house

"i didn't braught you here to show off my house, Ms. Min"

Hearing this you look at him, folding your arms below your chest. You confidently said

"Mr.jeon you can't change my position so suddenly. I was your secretary that work in office only. Not your personal assistant. That's what you offers me at the first place which i agree to do"

Jungkook's lips sidely raised forming a smirk. expecting this reaction from you already

"well I'm the boss. so i can change anyone's position whenever i want... And i already told you the rules. One mistake and you will get the punishment"

"is this what you called punishment?!" you asked him furrowing your eyebrows

Jungkook chuckle before making a confuse thinking face

"yeah. Actually.. You got promoted from official secretary to personal assistant. So should i give you another valid punishment.. Rin?" 

His words makes you speachless. You blink try to think about what to say but Jungkook already spoke

"you can go for now.. And I already messaged you the details. So see you tomorrow in my house" he wink before getting up and walking toward the staircase to his room.

*flashback ended*

So this is what basically happened. You sigh before entering Mr.Jeon's mansion. Thinking about what bad can be happen. Because you just got promoted so it's a good thing nothing bad will happen.


"nothing bad will happen.. Trust me"

Taehyung said gesturing the victim's son aka choi minho.

He caught him at the subway. Stopping him from leaving at the right time and took him to a small cafe.

Now they're sitting inside cafe drinking coffee while Taehyung tried to pursue him.

"Tell me everything what you know. Don't hide... Trust me, i won't let anything happen to you but if you lie i can't help you "

Minho sigh heavily looking at Taehyung

"okay but promise me you will protect my mother as well" minho said shakingly almost teared up thinking about his ill mother

"promised" Taehyung said

"years ago my dad kicked us out. And it was good because i and my mother got freedom from him. I rent an apartment faraway from him and did many part time job to survive. We were stable and didn't need any help from dad. We were living happily But one day my mom fall ill. She needs immediate surgery and I don't know where to get it in less time but still i worked hard and gathered as much money as I can but it wasn't enough. So defeatedly i went to my father. It was raining heavily at night and when I reached the home he was busy partying with girls. I beg him alot to give me some money and i even promised that I'll return him back later but still he didn't "

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