Part - 16

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I knock on the door of Mr. Jeon's bedroom. Waiting for him to open or respond but there's none. I waited for a while knocking again. But still nothing happen. I think he's a heavy sleeper. So i put my hand on the door knob, decided to open the door.

The room was big all design in modern dark shade.. Same like jeon's personality..

 Same like jeon's personality

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There mr. Jeon sleeping on bed cuddle up inside his black silk bedsheet.. Showing only his back of head.

I walk near the bed. And clear my throat before calling his name.

"Mr. Jeon?" i said gently but still he didn't budge

I again called him 3-4 times but still no response... Ugh now what should i do. I rolled my eyes before lean little down and tap on his back lightly.

"Mr.jeon... Mr. Jeon wake up"

'what the hell is this guy?! Sleeping like a sloth'

I shut my eyes tightly and took a deep breath before raise my voice

"Mr.Jeon Jungkook wake up!!!"

And in a swept motion i was under jeon Jungkook.

He was shirtless, staring dangerously deep in my eyes

He was shirtless, staring dangerously deep in my eyes

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his one hand choking me. My eyes widen in shock i tried to remove his hand but his one hand has more power than my both.

My breath hitch, my whole face become red with suffocation So i did a thing, which every smart girl should do. Kick him on the shin.

With my strong kick, Jungkook rolled over and falls on the floor with thud, clutching his middle part with his both hands, wincing in pain.

While i sat up on his bed, and try to catch my breath. I took a long breath and look at Jungkook who was groaning in the pain but i don't care I threw a pillow at him.

"what the hell bruh!! This is how you welcome people in your house?!" you shout at him.

Jungkook rub his middle part to ease the pain and deathly glare at you

My Sweet Revenge JK ffWhere stories live. Discover now