part -71

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"Mr. Jeon!"

Police officers hold back jungkook from almost killing that officer

But jungkook didn't budge
Even 10 officers couldn't stopped him. thats how much strength as well as anger he had

Blood splashes all over the place, one more hit the police officer will surely gonna die

Until Taehyung came on right time

"Stop it jungkook!!"

Tae drag him far from the lying unconcious body however jungkook's killer red eyes didn't budge from it

"You're under arrest Mr.jeon for hitting an on duty police officer"

One officer said as he put handcuffs on jungkook's hands

Jungkook huff in fury however his eyes soon turn to soft as he glance at saerin's trembling figure

He roughly shrug off everybody as he rush to engulf Saerin in his arms

'the warm hug' that was all she needed, which made her feel protected from this cruel world while she hide herself on his chest

"I'm here Rin. Nobody can harm you. I won't let it happen"

Jungkook softly whisper through her ears as he stroke her hairs with his handcuffed hands

She whimpered as she took a deep breath
Feeling his scent that calm her all nerves

He was her solace in the darkest night

"Mr.jeon! Let's go"

Those officers broke their hug. Seperating them from eachother. Jungkook's longing eyes didn't even flinch away from Saerin. While her brown eyes which are filled with crystals tears only gaze at him

Soon their eye contact ended with jungkook's lips moving giving a promise,

" i will save you"


"Nobody can save her now"

Yoongi's men inform the details, how perfectly their planned worked so well

Afterall it's mastermind min yoongi's plan


Yoongi can be a mastermind but Mr.min has years of experience. It's hard to find a evidence against him . that's how perfectly he do the deeds that his own daughter doesnt live in facade that her father is a most honest commissioner of her country .

A true hero for her


A devil for yoongi

After trying hard he couldn't found the evidence nevertheless, he won't give up like this

He wanna see that old man in terrible pain and what's better than targetting his golden heart ....aka his only daughter Saerin.

He was tired waiting for jungkook's move
This way he can easily killed two birds with one stone

And this plan was indeed so much perfect that it can bring back Min's old sparks case


A smirk played on yoongi's face as he explained his plan to his goons

His men collected fake documents and made such a big trap that it look too real crime for innocent Saerin

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