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"Saerin eat this"

Jungkook came in the room where he locked Saerin.

She become total numb. Not saying anything not eating anything.. she lookslike a lifeless soul

"Listen Saerin.. you have to eat something"

Jungkook spoke softly before raising a spoon to feed her but she throw it

Jungkook sigh as it's not the first time she did.. but still jungkook never stop approaching her

"Why are you doing this Rin?? Till when you gonna punish yourself like this?"

"You're asking me why?"
Saerin let out an amusing chuckle

"Weren't you the one who's punishing me from start...this is what you wanted right?"

She finally glance at him with emotionless eyes

"You should be happy... Now your sweet revenge succeed "

Jungkook sigh

"Give me a chance to explain "

Saerin tilt her face to other side .. refusing to even see jungkook's face

"Leave me alone"

Saerin's cold voice tear jungkook's heart apart

"Saerin i-"

Jungkook words got cutt off when Saerin pushed him hard making him fall from the bed and the food splatter all over the floor

Jungkook finally got enough of her behaviour as he walk out and brought the food again with ropes in other hand

Saerin one hand was already tied on the head rest with handcuff but to make her eat jungkook tied her arms and both legs tightly

Holding her face tightly, he growl at her

"Eat it or else i will kill ur father!"

After forcefully feeding her jungkook closed his eyes to calm himself down before softly speaking

"Look Rin you have to hear the whole truth. Whatever Suga told you was just half.. you have to listen to my side"

Before Saerin open her mouth jungkook put a tape on her mouth

"U won't speak until i finished"


"Speak before I finish you

"Speak before I finish you

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Taehyung said

"You really thought you can easily get away like this"

"Your so called secretary who helps u in all the crimes... I already arrested him.. my security is more stronger than ur lil mens"

My Sweet Revenge JK ffWhere stories live. Discover now