Part - 3

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You flinch hearing the scream from your bf.

"Yah Kim taehyung!" you hit his arm

"ahh why are you being violent" tae rubbed his arm where you hit him. Making hurt face

"seriously tae!" you glare at him and started walking toward the main gate of orphanage

"yah why are you going away from me babe" Taehyung cutely pouted while. following you from behind

"stop calling me with this nickname. I'm not your girlfriend!" you glance at him and rolled your eyes at him

"ahhh my poor hearteu!" tae dramatically put his hand on his chest

"shut up and tell me why are you here?" "don't you have any case to solve?" you reach the gate. Looking everywhere to find Mr. Jeon jungkook but there's no sign of him or his cars.

"nah i cancel everything for you rin" tae said smiling cutely at you

"really? Tae" you look at him raising your one eyebrow. Not believing him over what he just said

Tae quickly show his palm on your face stopping you from saying anything

"No! before you scold me.. There wasn't any cases so i thought of visiting you"

You sigh taking his cap from his hand and fixing on his head

"officer kim taehyung. It's your duty to stay at station during duty hours. even if there isn't any case"

you pat his shoulder. Indirectly pointing at shoulder stars of his police uniform. Reminding him his responsibility as officer

 Reminding him his responsibility as officer

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"Come on now.. don't give me lectures and let's eat ice-cream together~"


Jungkook knock furiously on the door.

A drunk man open the door. A cigarette on his mouth and boredly look at the person standing infront of his door

"who are you?" the man asked

"hello Mr. Chang" the name left from jungkook lips, tilting his head lil he look at the man

"and.... goodbye" jungkook said with his deep dangerous voice. And kill the man in secs

Jungkook turn around, started walking toward his car but stop in mid way and said

"Mr.Yang you know what to do"

Jungkook assistant nod in response and walk toward the house to move the dead body

My Sweet Revenge JK ffWhere stories live. Discover now