Part - 41

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Taehyung was waiting outside for hours now when the door of operation room open. A doctor walk out after doing the surgery for hours.

Taehyung stood up quickly

"how is he doctor??"  "is appa okay??"

"he is fine now. As we took out the bullet. But we will keep him under observation. Until he gain consciousness."

Dr. Hana said as she look Taehyung heaving a deep sigh of relief.

"what's your relationship with him??" dr. Hana ask as she continues

"i mean if you are his relatives then you should done the paperwork right now"

Taehyung doesn't know what to answer. If everything went good. He would be his son in law. And married to Saerin. But god knows which enemy of Mr. Min kidnap Saerin and try to kill him. He need to find out soon. Especially the note that Mr.min read.

"i will do the paperwork" Taehyung said this only without looking at her and turn around to leave. As he quickly took out his phone and called someone

But while walking a figure stumble onto him

" ohh.. Mr. Han i was just calling u" Taehyung said looking at Mr. Min's secretary

"stay here with Appa and don't leave him for a second and tighten his security here. Make sure nobody enter his room.. Araseo??" (araseo= okay in korean)

Taehyung ordered and hurriedly left to the place where everything happened.


'I'm finally back at the place where everything happened. The place where all this started'

the place where the fire of revenge in his eyes has ignite from.

After years he came back here. Looking out from the big window of the living room. Jungkook eyes got emotional seeing the city he missed the most yet despite it as well. For giving him the unbearable pain that he will never forget. But more than that his childhood memories are roaming around his mind, making him feel gloomy.

While saerin look around the house as she came back drinking water from kitchen.

" bedroom is upstair go and change there"

Jungkook said without turning around and glancing at her once.

She didn't mind thinking Jungkook probably feeling tired after the long day. As she also feel uncomfortable in this heavy bridal dress.

She walk upstairs and enter inside a dark theme bedroom which is totally Jungkook type. She shrug thinking she will change it later as she walk closer to a walk in closet.

And her eyes widen seeing soo many dresses! All type of dresses and pjs. And they all are her size

She took out one maroon silk gown with netted sleeved jacket. And walk towards the bathroom.

As she was busy taking shower, Jungkook was busy in his thoughts as he walk inside the library room. taking a purple book from library's top shelf, which opens a big secret room inside.

The door automatically close as he entered. Every footstep of his, made his heart heavy as he look at the wall.

The room isn't just a normal room. but a whole big size hall. Which has everything inside. From a big dark red chaise chair and a small fridge on the side. With a lil bar there.

But apart from those luxurious furnitures. It has.. Burn toys, burn frames, burn clothes etc.. Neatly arranged in a mirror showcase

While the four walls were covered with photo frames which held Jungkook's every sweet memories. Except...

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