Part - 69

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The radiant sun arising bringing bright colors in the sky showing morning has arrive.

But people in the Min mansion arent aware about the storm this morning bringing for them.

"rise & shine my love"

Jungkook said as he wake up Saerin. Who slept late at night yesterday. Remembering the last night, only Jungkook knew how it become hard to answers multiple questions of hers.

Nowdays she's getting smart but Jungkook is way smarter and sharper than her

The way he smoothly turn the last night mess up event of Mr. Min into his..

'yesterday night u got lucky Min but next time i won't let your luck come in between my game'

Jungkook thoughts got interrupted by the finger snaps of Rin who woke up from her deep slumber

"what are you thinking about kook?"

She asked him. As she sat up on bed, resting her back on the headrest

"are you thinking about last night?"

She asked him again waiting for his reply.. Which Jungkook already knew about it. Smirking from inside he started his acting by turning his facial expression into concerned

"I was thinking about your Appa. Don't u think Rin he's behaving weird. Especially at
Last night"

Jungkook present his words in a such a manipulative way that it went like an arrows of archery in her mind making her go deep think about the last night event

*Flashback *

Opening the door, the first thing Saerin Saw was....

Shocked Min sat up on his bed and a gun resting on his hand

while Jungkook with his hand resting on his chest, standing infront of the cupboard where the bullet hit

Jungkook quickly ran towards Saerin saying

"thank god Saerin you came! Your Appa is about to kill me!"

Jungkook said in panic while Mr. Min was total in shock phase as Jungkook quickly put the gun in his hand before the door open giving him zero chance to react & throw it away

Saerin's mind got puzzled hearing Jungkook's words. While her face shows bewildered expression

She knows her father can't do this but looking at her father holding gun while Jungkook was standing near the closet where the bullet shot is very visible


Saerin slowly take step forward towards her father with distress tone

Mr. Min quickly threw the gun away while panicking and try to explain her daughter with fumble words

"p-princess it's not what it looks like!"

Saerin calm him down by quickly giving him hug

"Appa shhh"

"i thought a thief intrude in my room!"

Mr. Min explain while glaring at Jungkook

His sentence make sense to Saerin since his father as a retired commissioner always put gun nearby and it might be his reflex action

Saerin nod understanding it thinking Jungkook got mistaken his father

"Jungkook.. He might confuse you as intruder in the dark"

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