part -72

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Taehyung is in bewildered phase .. he doesn't know what he should do

In one hand he has the 'red file' and that blood stain bunny bracelet

And in other hand

He has

Saerin's case file

Which should he investigate first?

If he get involved in red file case then Saerin has to stay stuck in this hell prison
And he doesn't want Saerin to be in a place like this even for a minute

So putting that red file aside in a drawer locked.. he took Saerin's case file before walking away from the department his eyes stuck on that bunny bracelet

While solving Saerin's case he can give that bracelet in forensic lab . Atleast he will know who's this bracelet belongs too

"This is the great idea"


"-That's such a great idea"

"Why haven't I thought about it first"

"Cause Mr.jeon for the first time you're thinking through your heart than your Brain"

"What you mean??"

"Oh don't act dumb now ... The old fearless Jungkook i know are in fear state for his lover"

"Oh .. Just shut up!"

Jungkook roll his eyes while he remembered something

"anyways..Have you done your work?"

Suddenly the atmosphere become serious as the person from other side of phone respond with sudden change husky voice

"I'm still working on it .. you know it's not that easy"


"It's not that hard either "

"When the person is innocent then truth wont hide for long... And our work is to find ways to bring the truth infront of the world it"

Taehyung ordered Jackson as he nod . they both visited the orphanage which was sealed by crime branch.. and nobody has right to enter

The kids are move out to another place while the aunt of that orphanage still lives there refused to go anywhere

Even police doesn't know she was still hidden there except taehyung who trace her with his smartness

Entering the orphanage, taehyung search for the women. As he turn to open a door some one attack him with a vase

But Taehyung was fast enough to catch it

"D-dont... K-kill me ... please"

The women cried out .. taehyung released her arms and calm her down

"Calm down miss.. see I'm taehyung.. remember"

Hearing his soft spoken voice the women look up and heave a reading sigh. She knows taehyung obviously afterall he visited this place with Saerin many times

"Miss eunji lets sit down first"

Taehyung took her to a sofa and sit infront of it. Offering her water

"Whatever I asked you be honest with me okay?"

She nod while her trembling hands put down the empty glass

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