Part - 58

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Greeting every business people in the huge business party in jeju island. Where so many big business mens & womens came across from world to attend it

Jungkook was busy chatting with few people while Saerin was standing there kinda awkward. Cause since yesterday she sense weird behavior change in Jungkook. He didn't talk to her much and suddenly asked her to get ready in morning. For this business party.

She shrug at first thinking Jungkook maybe disturb from yesterday's incident. It must be hard for him to see hyunwoo crying alot after getting rescued from the fire outhouse.

Suddenly she flinch after feeling Jungkook's hand around her waist. Pulling her closer as he introduced her to his investor

"Mr. Richard, this is my wife Jeon Saerin & Rin this is Mr. Richard famous businessmen from France"

Shaking hands, Saerin slightly smile while greeting back.. They both continued talking about business while Saerin got tired as she nudge Jungkook

Jungkook sigh as he glance at Saerin and then look back at the man

"Mr. Richard excuse me for a min"

Jungkook politely smile as he held Rin's elbow and drag her lil further. While bending down to ask

"what's now Rin?! Can't you see I'm having important discussions with biggest investor of france. This deal is so important for me. Especially for my company's employees"

Jungkook said with cold voice as he slightly glare at Rin

"I'm sorry kook. But my legs pain from standing here for so long in this high heels"

Saerin said as she point toward her feets

Jungkook roll eyes at her and sigh again

"fine we will go in few minutes. But till then be patient and let me fix this deal with Mr. Richard first"

Jungkook said without waiting for Rin's response and drag her back toward Mr. Richard who were talking with a black suit guy. Which back is facing both Rin & jk so they couldn't see his face

"oh hey Mr. Jeon. I was just waiting for you to finalize our deal"

Mr. Richard said as he notice Jungkook standing behind the man he was talking to

"sorry Mr.Richard for taking time.. Let's finalize our deal. My manager already emailed you the documents with my signature so you also sign it. And then we can start working on it"

Jungkook said before he extend his hand for handshake toward Mr. Richard

Mr. Richard smile back as he hold his wine glass in one hand and was about to shake Jungkook's hand with other when he realized something and glance at the person standing infront of him

"Oh Mr. Jeon i forgot to introduce my only korean friend who help me alot in france as well as in korea"

As soon as Mr. Richard said the man finally turned around and shake Jungkook's hand that left Jungkook totally shook seeing his face as his smile drop




Byeol quickly jump on Taehyung giving him a tight hug

"What the hell are you doing here in busan?!"

Taehyung as he was shock to see byeol suddenly standing infront of him out of nowhere

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