Part - 34

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Taehyung quickly drove to the hospital. arriving there, The doctor and nurses took Mr. Min to the icu room.

Saerin sat down in the waiting area, crying looking at the icu door.

Taehyung sat down beside her and hug her.

"it's okay rin.. He will be fine.. Don't worry"
Taehyung said patting her head gently

"i don't know Taehyung, what happened to him suddenly.. He was okay when i was talking to him"

She suddenly moved away from Taehyung's embrace when realization hit her

"its my fault Taehyung!" she look at him in worry

"what??" he look at her confusingly.

"it's my fault! I was talking to him and we end up having some argument but i never thought this will happen.. I just don't know.. he even said okay.. Then how?!" she cried out, mumbling things that confuse Taehyung more.

"what were you guys arguing about??" Taehyung asked

"Tae-" before Saerin even begin saying anything the doctor walk out from the room

"You are his daughter right??" the doctor asked, making Saerin and taehyung stood up and approach the doctor

"yes i am! Is my father okay doctor??" Saerin worriedly asked

"Not really... Actually he got cardiac arrest. It's good that you braught him quickly here or else he wouldn't be alive. So Now you need to be very careful and not do things that trigger him with any stress. Make sure he stays happy. He need alot of rest now"

Saerin gasp and stumble back, Taehyung quickly hold her in place

"my Appa will get better soon right??" she asked controlling her sob

"can't say anything now. You need to give him medicine on time, take care of him and don't give him any stress" the doctor said

"can we meet him now doctor??" Taehyung asked

"yeah but only one person can go" the doctor said and walk away

"Rin.. You go and meet him, i will wait here" Taehyung said gently rubbing her arm

She nod and went inside while Taehyung sat down at the waiting area


Jimin sat at the waiting area infront of the doctor cabin.

And in few minutes a doctor walk outside, making jimin stood up from the chair and get engulf in a hug

The doctor jump in his embrace as soon as she saw him. The beautiful cheerful smile spread on her face as she clutch jiminie's body tightly in her arms.

"I missed you so much baby"

She said and pull away from the hug

"i missed you too" a loving smile form on jiminie's thick lips which urge her to kiss him

But jimin move back signalling her that they're standing middle in the hospital.

"we are at your work place missie" jimin said bopping his nose with her. While he put her feet down on the floor

She pout and put her arms around jimin's neck

"i still have some work left.. Can you wait just little bit for me" she look at him with her cute apologetic eyes, making jimin's heart melt

"fine you go finish your work.. I will get some coffee for us from the cafe" jimin said and ruffle her hairs.

"thanks babe" she said, looking around and quickly peck his thick lips making him widen his eyes at her as she dash to her cabin

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